Sunday, May 24, 2020

Themes Presented in Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti...

Themes Presented in Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti Christina Rossettis used her poetry to express herself; her work exhibits many autobiographical elements and from it the reader can discern Rossettis emotions, beliefs and her comments on the society she lived in. As a female poet it would have been improper for Rossetti to deal directly with these issues though and so her ideas are masked through appearing to be childrens poetry and having simple meanings. Goblin Market superficially appears to a moral story about two sisters one of whom gives way to the temptation of the goblins forbidden fruits but through her poetic techniques Rossetti manages to embody her fears and desires. One of the desires Rossetti appears†¦show more content†¦Like two pigeons in one nest Folded in each others wings, They lay down in their curtained bed: Like two blossoms on one stem, Like two flakes of new-falln snow This theme of love can also be seen in relation to religion through the Songs of Solomon. There are many parallels and sometimes direct quotations from the Songs of Solomon in the Old Testament of the Bible. This book is a collection of love poems telling of how a village girl is taken to Solomons court and wooed by him but remains faithful to the shepherd she loves. The image created by the line Laura reared her glossy head is almost parallel to Chapter 1 verse 9 of the Songs of Solomon where the line I have compared thee to a company of horses appears. The Bible mentions vines and the fig tree which could be representing fertility. The goblins could be a metaphor for the village girl being tempted by Solomon but Laura who is led astray remains true to and returns to her sisters love. Love is described in the Songs of Solomon as being like coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame (Ch8.V9) and Lizzie revives Laura with juice that is like wormwood to her tongue. Another interpretation of Goblin Market is that it could be expressing Rossettis fear of sexuality. The Goblin men possibly represent men using women for their sexual desires and then discarding them, and it is easy to read sexual connotations into many of the lines inShow MoreRelated Comparing Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market and William Wordsworth’s The Thorn1713 Words   |  7 PagesComparing Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market and William Wordsworth’s The Thorn On the surface, the poems â€Å"Goblin Market† by Christina Rossetti and â€Å"The Thorn† by William Wordsworth appear to be very different literary works. â€Å"Goblin Market† was written by a young woman in the Victorian period about two sisters who develop a special bond through the rescue of one sister by the other. â€Å"The Thorn† was written by the Romantic poet William Wordsworth about a middle-aged man and hisRead MoreA View of Christ Through â€Å"Goblin Market† Essay example2341 Words   |  10 PagesMany authors add personal beliefs and feelings to their literature in order to add depth and allow the reader to understand them in a more intimate way. 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