Thursday, May 14, 2020

Importance of Understanding Cultural, Ethnic, and Gender...

The majority of hospitals have come to realize that staffs from various ethnic and cultural back-grounds, as well as those of different gender bring a great deal of value perspective. With more and more patients being of different cultural backgrounds, and ethnicities, it is due to this reason why hav-ing a clear understanding of cultural , ethnic and gender differences among hospital professionals is given the backup it deserves. (Dennis Small, 2003). Managers in particular within the hospital setting must make certain that the nursing unit is running smoothly and that patient care is of the highest concentration. Cultural, ethnic or gender mis-understandings can impede associate satisfaction trickling down to patient care. It is†¦show more content†¦When trying to open jars to feed myself I didn’t have as much strength in my left hand as in my right. Many of the devices in my home where made for a right-handed person so I had to adapt myself which lead to me feeling out of control at times. Some instruments I just couldn’t use as a left-handed person, for example driving my car, using the hair dryer, using the scissors, etc. I found it difficult to keep materials steady. As the day progressed I found myself less discombobulated and able to adapt better. This experience proved to me that although difficult at first I still could be diverse if need be. Of equal importance is managing associates of different genders who may be of the same or different cultures. Nursing may have been primarily a career for females at one time, but today nursing is an intriguing and profitable career option for both genders. With an increased demand for nurses and qualified health care professionals, there is opportunity for men in nursing. Attitudes and behaviors between men and women vary and this can help in the patterning of social interaction and patient satisfaction. Men in nursing, has becoming more and more popular. According to the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses, approximately 5.4 percent of American RNs are men—and that number is on the rise. (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2009) Managers must understandShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Cultural Differences in the Workplace Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesUnderstanding Cultural Differences in the Work Place Spring Session B Professor Davis 5/6/2012 Chamberlain College Of Nursing The importance of understanding cultural, ethnic and gender differences by managers and professionals in a business setting is essential to make the work environment comfortable. In every culture there are basic standards of thinking, and acting and these cultural differences strongly influence workplace values and communication. 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