Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Examined Life

The Examined Life When it comes to defining the philosophy of nursing science, one can be certain that a lot of debates are expected. Because of the specific nature of the issue and a lot of aspects which the philosophy of nursing science involves, the definition is rather hard to provide.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Examined Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, taking a closer look at some of the most prominent works in the given sphere, comparing and contrasting these works and analyzing the differences, one can possibly come to a certain conclusion about the definition of the philosophy of nursing science. With the help of Gaarder’s book, Okasha’s article and the movie known as The examined life, the definition of the philosophy Ð ° nursing science can be found. Speaking of the movie, one must mention that it offers a very specific interpretation of the philosophy of nursing science. One of the most spectacular things about the movie is that it goes beyond academic articles and takes the audience into the real life. Thus, the existing nursing theories and concepts are applied to practice. Moreover, the movie stretches the issue even further, introducing a global aspect of fellow citizenship into nursing (Mann, Basmajian Taylor, 2008). The movie reveals the nursing process in action, showing the way every single detail factors into the huge mechanism of nursing techniques and interventions. Therefore, the movie provides a practical experience which completes the philosophy of nursing when combined with theory. As for the book which was written by Gaarder and Moller, one can claim with a certain amount of certainty that it does relate to the issue of nursing philosophy, though rather loosely.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite the fact that the plot revolves aroun d a little girl and her grown-up pen friend who helps her dive into the depth of philosophical knowledge and has actually little to do with nursing, the given novel can be considered an important contribution to understanding the philosophy of nursing. To start with, the book offers ample opportunities for the readers to understand key philosophical principles better. In addition, the novel can be somehow related to the issue of nursing as well, since it renders the concept of caring to a certain extent. However, the novel addresses the issue in the context of the present-day feminism: She is immanent, which means she wishes to be where she is. She will therefore nurture her family, care for the environment and more homely things. Nowadays we might say that women are more concerned with feminine values than men. (Gaarder Moller, 2007, 190) Finally, Okasha’s Philosophy of science must be mentioned as well. Though, much like the previous source, it also makes the reader dwell on philosophy in general rather than on the philosophy of science, it also helps understand the basic philosophical premises. Therefore, nursing can be placed in the philosophical context with the help of Okasha’s work. In addition, to prove his point, Okasha uses two examples which are taken from medical cases (Okasha, 2002). Hence, Okasha helps locate nursing in the realm of philosophy. Speaking of the book in a more detailed manner, one must mention that it actually is a very special work. Not only does it stand out on its own merits, but also differs from the rest of the novels of the same genre, as well as the academic books written on the same topic. In a way, the book reminds of the movie much, since both take a scientific issue and make the audience see it from an everyday perspective. Making theory and practice mix, the movie and the book allow to approach academic issues rather easily. However, there are also a number of differences between the two.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Examined Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As for the movie, one must admit that it relates to the issue in question very closely. While The examined life cannot be described as a scientific documentary, since it avoids resembling an academic research, the movie still offers a decent report on the specifics of the profession, the essence of nursing and the significance of treatment. Basically explaining that nursing allows people integrate into society, starting from the moment of their birth to the point where senior citizens need enough help to remain socially active, the movie sheds some light on the specific mindset which the employees of the nursing service must have. Hence, it can be concluded that the philosophy of nursing science embraces the issues which relate to several concepts, involving the moral issues concerning the need to help people integrate back into society, health issue s, i.e., taking care of the people who are unable to provide for themselves, research issues, which involve creation of new intervention methods and the development of new theories, and a number of other problems. Offering to consider the issue from several viewpoints, the philosophy of nursing science helps approach the problem from several aspects, thus, allowing for various points of view. Hence, objectivity in nursing is achieved and unique solutions to the emerging problems are provided based on the previous experiences. Reference List Gaarder, J. Moller, P. (2007).Sophie’s World: A novel about the history of  philosophy. New York, NY: Berkeley Books. Mann, R., Basmajian, S. (Producer) Taylor, A. (Director). (2008). The examined  life [Motion picture]. New York City, NY: Zeitgeist Films.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Okasha, D. (2002). Philosophy of Science: A very short introduction. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

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