Thursday, December 26, 2019

Fidel Castro And The Cuban Missile Crisis - 908 Words

Fidel Castro came into power in the late 1950s. He was a very ruthless dictator that came into power by kicking American led companies out of Cuba. After the United States was kicked out of Cuba. The United States government ceased all trade and economic ties with the Cuban Government. The Cuban Missile Crisis started when an American spy plane that was spying on the island of Cuba noticed that there were missiles built on the island of Cuba, that they were built on the island of Cuba and that the offensive missiles were of Soviet design and making. After the plane noticed the offensive missiles in Cuba, the President of the United States John Kennedy called for an emergency meeting of all of the defense chiefs and they would decide what to do about the missiles in Cuba, which threatened the United States mainland. After the missiles were discovered on the island of Cuba, the United Nations Security Council held their own emergency meeting and there were some very hard words exchange d between the American ambassador to the United Nations and the Soviet Ambassador on why the missiles were on the Island of Cuba in the first place. The confrontation occurred in the United Nations Security Council where there are five permanent members of the Security Council. The Soviets wanted to deploy the missiles into Cuba to deter any involvement by the United States in Cuba and so that way we would not try to unseat the government of Cuba. That is one reason why the Soviets deployed theShow MoreRelatedFidel Castros Impact on Cuba, America, and the World1359 Words   |  6 Pages Fidel Castro, resigned now, and still living, was the dictator of the Cuban nation. He has had an big impact on America, and he an impact on our world. Fidel Castro was a Cuban dictator for a long time coming. Fidel Castro becoming a dictator not only affected the United States, but his arrival affected the world around us. Fidel Castro was a man who had a target on his head. Lots of people from all over the world wanted him dead. Fidel Castro wasn’t a capitalist person, he was a CommunistRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution1559 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cuban revolution was the spark that ignited the flame of communism in Cuba. The developing nation gained independence only as recently as 1898, and was already filled with an atmosphere of distrust and resentment towards the United States. In July of 1953, a revolution began in Cuba between the United States backed President Batista and Fidel Castro. Fidel and his brother Raul Castro lead a series of guerilla warfare battles against the forces of President Batista. â€Å"I am Fidel Castro and we haveRead MoreJordan Belleman. Ms. Verdino Ms. Kingmr. Muraco . Social1461 Words   |  6 PagesStudies 801 12 May 2017 The Cuban Missile Crisis â€Å"The most terrifying moment in my life was October 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I did not know all the facts we have learned only recently how close we were to war but I know enough to make me tremble† (Joseph Rotblat). During the Cuban missile crisis, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 milesRead MoreEssay about The Cuban Missile Crisis756 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis Between 1959 and 1962 relations between USA and Cuba deteriorated. Up until 1959, America had kept General Batista in power over Cuba and had strong links, especially in trade. Castro’s ascent to power in 1959 triggered the short-term events contributing to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The main cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis was the cold relationship between the two great superpowers: America and Russia. This hadRead MoreFidel Castro Is Alive1443 Words   |  6 Pages Upon his release, Castro went to Mexico where he spent the next year organizing the 26th of July Movement, which was based on the date of the failed Santiago de Cuba barracks attack. On December 2, 1956, Castro and the rest his fellow rebels of the 26th of July Movement landed on Cuban soil with the intention of starting a revolution. They were only met with the welcome of heavy Batista defenses, causing nearly everyone in the Movement to be killed. Barely anyone escaped, and those who did whichRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution943 Words   |  4 PagesThe infamous Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro was born on a farm on August 13,1926 and he is currently 89 years old. He was the third child out of six. His full name was Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz Fidel Castro. He was not born into a poor family, his father Angel happened to be a very wealthy sugar plantation owner. At the time Cuba’s economy was not thriving, but Castro still grew up in wealthy conditions. He went to a private boarding school to receive his education. There he became a star studentRead MoreCuban Revolution By Andrew Caminiti1476 Words   |  6 PagesCuban Communist Revolution By Andrew Caminiti The terrible conditions that many Cuban citizens lived under during the Batista regime was unacceptable. The Cuban Citizens wanted a change and started a revolution. To find out why we go all the way back to 1868 when the United States defeated the Spanish Army giving Cuba its independence. The Cubans elected Fulgencio Batista who did not allow any more elections to take place. This angered many and a new revolution leader formed, Fidel Castro. FidelRead MoreCuba s Relationship With The U.s.1130 Words   |  5 Pagesas follows; Fidel Castro’s presidency of Cuba, Guerilla Warfare in Cuba, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fidel Alejandro Castro was born in Biran, Cuba on August 13, 1926. He was the third child out of six children, he had two brothers and three sisters. Fidel’s father, Angel Castro, was a plantation owner from Spain. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzalez was Angel’s first wife’s maid. At the age of fifteen Castro’s father divorced his first wife and married Lina. By the age of seventeen Fidel was recognizedRead MoreA Brief Biography of Fidel Castro1316 Words   |  5 PagesHis full name is Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz and he was born on August 13, 1926 in a Birà  n, Cuba. Castro’s parents are Angel Castro(father) and Lina Ruz(mother). His father was a wealth landowner while his mother was a cook and maid to Angel. Castro was the third of six children in his family. His parents sent Fidel to a Jesuit boarding school where he was disciplined and showed the true potential of his intellect. While in boarding school, he also showed a much bigger interest in sports rather thanRead MoreWhat Major Events in the Cold War Caused Fidel Castro to Side with the Soviet Union Super Power?805 Words   |  4 PagesWhat major events in the Cold War caused Fidel Castro to side with the Soviet Union Super Power? In the 1960’s the world was largely dominated by the Cold War which was a long period of tension and hostility that only occasionally broke out into open warfare. This conflict was caused by the rivalry of two superpowers - the United States and the Soviet Union and emerged after the Second World War. Both super powers had different ideologies - the United States was a capitalist democracy, whereas

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Swot Analysis of Wal-Mart and Carrefour - 952 Words

Susan Donoho Argosy University SWOT Analysis of Wal-mart and Carrefour SWOT Analysis for Wal-Mart and Carrefour What is a hypermarket? According to Business Dictionary that is an online business definition resource, it is a â€Å"vast self-service warehouse-cum-retail outlet that combines the features of a supermarket, department store, discount store, and specialty store in one location.† A hypermarket may also be called a hyper-mart (Business Dictionary, 2012). The multinational retailers that are analyzed in this report are considered hypermarkets. This critical analysis will communicate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart and Carrefour specifically in the country of China that†¦show more content†¦This new company created a strategy to divide China into four areas where by a managing office would create a strategy for that region to grow Carrefour stores. Each manager of a store had the freedom to adhere to customers, and customers preferences in order to reflect the region it was doing business with. The management also worked with local managers on regulations (Carrefour, 2012). The overall strategy of Wal-Mart is with efficient supply chains and cost effectiveness, which translates in to savings to the consumer. Normally Wal-Mart conducts business, such as in the US, with safety and conforms to In reports about Wal-Mart, and supply chains that have been â€Å"a mess† there seems to be frustration, and confusion with senior level executives who are resigning from Wal-mart. Wal-Mart corporate is investing more money into expanding across China than it did to expand across the USA because the country is poorer, not as well off, and supply chains in China are not dependable. Lack of quality in supply chain products have caused scandal and death in some cases, cause the loss of Wal-Mart reputation currency (Associated Press, 2008). REFERENCES Associated Press. (2008, October). Walmart opens stores in china s hinterlands. Retrieved from Associated Press: MoreRelatedWal Mart And The Largest Retail Company1137 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Wal-Mart started as a small firm, with a single discount store and the simple idea of selling more for less. The company has gone a long way from one store to having more than 11,500 stores in 28 countries. Wal-Mart has been a very successful by becoming the largest retail company in the world employing 2.2 million in the World and 1.4 million in United States. This project is about the problems of Wal-Mart as a company with employees and the community at large. The company is knownRead MoreWal-Mart Dominating Global Retail Essay1498 Words   |  6 PagesWal-Mart Dominating Global Retail Brief summary The Wal-mart is the largest retail chain in United States and in the world. The wal-mart was founded in the year 1962 by Mr Sam Walton. It was originally named as Wal-Mart discount city in Rogers, Arkansas. At the time when the Wal-Mart stores started in the year 1962 it was focused only in small rural cites and town which had a population of 5000 to 25000. It was soon increased to 18 stores in 1969. In the next 30 years it had more than 4750Read MoreTesco Entering in China1244 Words   |  5 Pagesdecided to enter the country through a joint venture so that it could learn about the market through its partner, which had operated in the market for several years. Also, by the time Tesco entered China, other multinational retailers like Wal-Mart and Carrefour were already well-established in the market. The case discusses how Tesco faced the challenges in an emerging market like China by adopting strategies to suit that market. The case ends with a discussion on the challenges that Tesco facesRead MoreWal-Mart China Analysis3304 Words   |  14 Pagesentered, e.g. Carrefour, Tesco and Wal-mart. Now the Wal-mart has become one of the very important supermarkets in Chinese supermarket sector. This assignment is intends to offer the evaluation for the business and performance of Wal-mart in China in terms of PEST and SWOT models, with critical discussion on the choosing and using of those two analytical models, so that provide the critical analysis and related recommendation to Wal-mart’s strategy in China. Critical evaluation of PEST and SWOT models SinceRead MoreCarefour Missadventure in Russia Essay4589 Words   |  19 PagesMaster of Business Administration Strategic Management Carrefour Misadventure in Russia Supervised By Submitted By John Kalmus Muhammad Omair STU 22782 Submitted To IBAM Word Count 3898 Submission Date 22 January 2011 Carrefour strategy is comprised of following components Organic, Sustainable and Profitable growth Fast return on capital employed Market Leadership through Acquisition Carrefour started business in 1963 by introducing the idea of hyper market by providing thousandsRead MoreEssay about Swot Analysis of Wal-Mart in China1779 Words   |  8 PagesWal-Mart in China October 31, 2011 The team is playing the role of management consultants in the case study of Wal-Mart stores in China. The team decided that a SWOT analysis was the best approach to the case in the beginning stages of the project. The SWOT analysis was designed as a tool that identifies  the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. The  method of SWOT analysis is to take the information from  an environmental analysis and separate it into internal  (strengthsRead MoreBusiness Strategy of Carrefour4959 Words   |  20 Pagesof great uncertainty and increasing volatility in the overall business climate, Carrefour, the world’s second largest retailer aims to accelerate growth. Through a strategic lens, we seek to review and identify the various key areas that Carrefour need to focus so as to gain a stronger foothold in Asia. 1.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Research Background The purpose of the assignment is to analyze the business environment of Carrefour and ensure strategic integration of its people and policies with the aim of bringingRead MoreSwot and Macro Environmental Analysis of Nordstrom1664 Words   |  7 Pagesaccorded the last place in the priority list of company. Nordstrom working as departmental store in the retail industry would be effected by all the forces in the marketing environment. Nordstrom’s competitors are Wal-Mart, amp; K-Mart, and Carrefour. SWOT Analysis for Nordstrom: Strength: It was rationalized by the promoter that if customers are satisfied by the services and the best service could only be offered by highly motivated employee (sales force), the share holders, promotersRead MoreWal-Mar Global Expansion Strategy10037 Words   |  41 PagesWal-Mart Stores, Inc. Wal-Mart: Global Expansion Strategy ____________________________________________________________ _________ Table of Contents A. Introduction B. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 1. The Adolescence of Wal-Mart 2. Channel of Distribution 3. The Financial Facts and Figures 4. Unique Expansion Strategy 5. Corporate and Management Culture C. The Competition in the United States D. Wal-Mart’s Global Strategy E. Expansion Target: France General Overview Retail Industry OverviewRead MoreCarrefours Strategy3339 Words   |  14 Pages| The strategy of Carrefour | | | Summary I- Introduction 3 I- Historic 4 II- Characteristics of supermarket distribution 5 a) Porter’s five 5 b) PESTEL 7 c) SWOT 9 III- Strategies in France 10 IV- International strategy of Carrefour 11 V- The new markets and the future 12 VI- Suggested strategies 13 VII- Conclusion 14 VIII- Bibliography 15 I- Introduction Carrefour was the first supermarket created in France and also in the world

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Opportunity Component of Entrepreneurship Policy †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Opportunity Component of Entrepreneurship Policy. Answer: Introduction The government of Kenya has faced many problems due to the bad delivery of services in public sector. The government of Kenya has seen drastic changes in the operations of a legal constitution in the early 1990s. The government have more than 100,000 civil servants but does not have an impact on the services on the public sector (Abdalla et al., 2015). It provides enhanced government services for citizen by amalgamating services in one building. Therefore, questions have raised against the quality of Huduma centers regarding the quality of services in public sectors. This study focuses on analyzing the effect of Huduma centers in service delivery in Kenya. The challenges in providing public services have been discussed in the research. A proper literature review about the topic has been provided in the study. A critical analysis of the concept of the service delivery has been discussed in the research. Various models and theories have been discussed in the literature review that helps in resolving the issues in the public services. This study outlines the effects of the service delivery in the public sector in Kenya. The factors affecting the service delivery in Huduma centers has been described properly in the research. The study focuses on the strategies for mitigating the poor services in the public sector. The research consists of aims, objectives, and questions that help in increasing success factor of the research. The research depicts the impact of the bad services in the Huduma centers in Kenya. The government of Kenya has around 100,000 civil servants. However, there is a decrement in the quality of the services in the Huduma centers. The government of Kenya has started a concept of Huduma centers to transform the service delivery by providing access to public services and info ration to people of Kenya (Kiprop, Nyaoga Robert, 2017). The main problem is poor services in the public sector. The government of Kenya has been facing corruption from many years. The government has established various centers including Nairobi, Kisumu, Nyeri, Embu, Machakos and Mombasa. The implementation of the Huduma center is in progress. Therefore, the research has been done to understand the consequences of the negligence of the government of the Kenya (Hassan, Mike Guyo, 2017). The research has also focused on the impact of Huduma centers in the delivery of services to the public. Research aim, objectives and questions The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of service delivery in Kenya public sector by Huduma sector. The objectives of the research have been mentioned below: To analyze the effect of the Huduma Centres in delivery of service to the public in Kenya To critically analyze the transparency in services provided by Huduma Centres To identify the challenges faced by the Huduma Centres in providing service delivery to public in Kenya To determine contribution of Huduma Centres in providing customer satisfaction in government service delivery The research questions have been provided below: What is the effect of the Huduma Centres in the delivery of service to the public in Kenya? How have Huduma Centres provided transparency in providing services? What are the challenges faced by the Huduma Centres in providing service delivery to the public in Kenya? What is contribution of Huduma Centres in providing customer satisfaction in government service delivery? Huduma Centre is a concept started by the government of Kenya in order to manifest Public Service Delivery by providing access to government service to the public. The Huduma Centre is a one-stop shop approach for reforming the delivery of services in the public sector of Kenya (Wambugu, Wachira Mwamba, 2017). It aims to bring various services close to the public that helps in the development of the country. The government services including, birth certificates, national identity card, passports, marriage certificates and other necessities. However, these services are not available in the market if the Kenya. There is a lack of proper legal authorities, which can manage these activities. As commented by Otieno Omwenga, (2015), strategic leadership helps in maintaining such activities in the public. Leadership quality can be used for controlling weakness and loopholes on the legal authorities of the country. The change in the legal authorities is necessary that helps in reforming th e delivery of services to the public. The development of the organization depends on the strategic leadership in the operations of the organization. The dispatch of Huduma Centers acknowledged huge advance in the arrangement of service through ICT. The focuses give ones top looks for services, for example, registration of business, registration for National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) among other services (Opiyo et al., 2017). The result has been that there is an expansion in the number of MDAs giving services through ICT. Leadership is a procedure impact amongst leaders and subordinates where a leader endeavors to affect the conduct of subordinates to accomplish the authoritative objectives. Authoritative achievement in accomplishing its objectives and targets relies upon the leaders of the organization and their authority styles. By embracing the proper leadership styles, leaders can influence worker work fulfillment, duty, and efficiency at Huduma Centers. Later in 2009, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has supported Kenyan government for stepping up public sector reforms for focusing on national transformation (Ondego Moturi, 2016). The government of Kenya has taken the step for mitigating the issues in providing services to the public. The government of Kenya has provided passports, identity cards and driving licenses to the public that helps in maintaining the customer satisfaction in public. Kurt Lewins Force Theory of Change In 1957, Kurt Lewin introduced a three-step change model for understanding views and behavior of forces in the working environment. Various driving forces can facilitate change as they push employees in their direction. According to Lewin, the initial phase simultaneously of changing conduct is to unfreeze the current circumstance or business as usual. To start with, increment the main forces that immediate conduct far from the current circumstance or existing conditions (Kivikuru, 2017). A few exercises that can aid the unfreezing step including propelling members by setting them up for change, assemble trust and acknowledgment for the need to change, and effectively take in perceiving issues and conceptualizing arrangements inside a gathering. Lewin's second step during the time spent evolving conduct is development. In this progression, it is important to move the target framework to another level of balance. Three activities that can aid the development step including inducing workers to concur that existing conditions is not painful to them and urging them to see the issue from a point of view, cooperate on a journey for new, significant data, and associate the perspectives of the gathering to all around regarded, intense leaders that bolster the change. The third step of Lewin's three-step change model is refreezing. This progression needs to occur after the change has been executed with the end goal for it to stick over time. It is very likely that the change will be fleeting and the workers will return to their old behavior if this step is not taken. It is the real integration of the new esteems into the group esteems and customs (Kiprop, Nyaoga Robert, 2017). The motivation behind refreezing is to balance out the new balance coming about because of the change by adjusting both the driving and controlling powers. One activity that can be utilized to actualize Lewin's third step is to strengthen new patterns by a formal and informal mechanism. In the case of the Huduma Centres, the change management is necessary for eradicating competitive pressure, legislation and technological advancements. As commented by Muchai Kimuyu, (2017), the goals of the Huduma Centres can be achieved by full participation in the change efforts generated by complete agreement in different assets of change management. SERVQUAL MODEL The Servqual model is used to analyze the quality of services provided by any organization in the market. It compares between the customers expectation and quality of services provided by an organization. In this case, this model can be applied to analyze the services provided by the Huduma Centre in Kenya. The SERVQUAL has ended up being an important instrument for benefit organizations to better comprehend to their clients or customers esteem and how well they are addressing the necessities and desires of clients and customers (Muhika, Njeru Waiganjo, 2017). It gives a benchmark in light of client conclusions of a fantastic organization, on the positioning of key credits and on correlation with what workers of administration organizations trust clients feel. The SERVQUAL has gone under a few reactions. Chepkirui (2017) argued that the five measurements of RATER are not universals and that the model neglects to draw on set up the monetary, factual and mental hypothesis (Waruguru, Bwisa Kihoro, 2017).While benefit an incentive to the social combination is connected just with steadyness, benefit an incentive to tranquil life is related to both dependability and patronage plans. They contend that present execution best mirrors a customers view of administration quality and that desires are not some portion of this idea. () noticed that regardless of the possibility that it might be important to rephrase or adjust a portion of the things, yet the SERVQUAL scale is relevant in an extensive variety of business administrations. Hackney Tassabehji, (2017) argued that the expansion of things as well as measurements might bring about the loss of the scale's honesty. In their contentions in the help of the SERVQUAL. Wachira et al., (2017), the place that SERVQUAL remains the entire endeavor to conceptualize and measure benefit quality. Its principle advantage is the capacity of specialists to look at various administration businesses, for example, social insurance, managing an account, money related administrations and instruction. The SERVQUAL demonstrate recommends that clients assess the nature of an administration on five particular measurements: unwavering quality, responsiveness, confirmation, compassion, and physical assets. The SERVQUAL instrument comprises of 22 explanations for evaluating buyer observations and desires with respect to nature of an administration. Seen benefit quality outcomes from examinations by customers of desires with their view of administration conveyed by the specialist co-ops (Otieno, 2017). It can be contended that the factor supporting the conveying of good seen benefit quality is really meeting the desires of the clients. In this manner, phenomenal benefit quality is surpassing the clients' desires. Kaburu, (2017) proposed that client desires are convictions about an administration that fill in as measures against which benefit execution is judged. A gap is made when the recognitions of the conveyed benefit is not according to the desires of the client. They recommended that the SERVQUAL model could be reached out to quantify gaps in quality and could accordingly be utilized as a symptomatic instrument to empower administration to recognize benefit quality shortages. The gap score is ascertained by the discernment proclamations being deducted from the desire articulations. On the off chance that any gap scores end up being certain then this suggests desires are really being surpassed. These permits benefit chiefs to audit whether they need to re-send assets to regions of underperformance. Impact of Huduma Centre on service delivery to public The Huduma Centre have slightly helped in enhancing the delivery of services with a various context of success and failure. The One Stop Shop has able to enhance the service delivery in the public sector. The public sector has been reformed in the country for approaching result-based strategy in the service delivery. The challenges in providing service delivery are complex and require the innovative change in the management (Chitere, 2017). The strategies for mitigating these issues in Kenya require customer-centric, capacity-building, innovation and connected government. In Kenya, the Vision 2030 focuses on the public-specific strategies that might help in maintaining the progress of the service delivery in the country. The feedbacks of citizen help in analyzing the various factors influencing the quality of the service delivery in Huduma Centre. The literature review has explained the Kurt Lewins theory of change and Servqual model to analyze the effect of the Huduma Centres on the service delivery (Pfeil, Schott Agarwal, 2017). The change theory has helped in providing concept about the change management in the Centre. The Servqual model has discussed about the quality of the services offered by the Centre. The Servqual model is based on the customer satisfaction factor in the market. In any organization, basic leadership happens at three levels thus procedures can likewise be figured at all these diverse levels. Procedures are figured at all these levels since a solitary procedure is insufficient, yet additionally inadequate. These diverse levels of key basic leadership also, a vital definition in any organization incorporate, corporate level, business level, and practical level. The corporate level takes major key choices. The execution of any organization will concisely rely on the key choice it takes. (Ondego Moturi, 2016). Kurt Lewin presented the three-advance change display. The three main forces unfreeze, change and refreeze, encourage change since they drive workers in the coveted bearing. Restraining forces thwart change since they push workers the other way. In this way, these powers must be investigated and Lewin's three-advance model can help move the balance toward the ar ranged change. As per Muchai Kimuyu, (2017), one-stop shops are one of a few institutional substitutes Governments frequently embrace to sidestep or quicken existing methodology where they are broken. No less than 15 nations in the Middle East North Africa district have some sort of OSS in presence as a major aspect of their organization advancement endeavors. One-stop Shops ended up noticeably well known in the 1980s as a way to advance speculation, frequently as an aide to organization advancement organizations (like GAFI). The essential thought is that a financial specialist would just be in contact with one single substance to acquire all the fundamental printed material in one streamlined and facilitated process, as opposed to going through a hierarchy of various government bodies (Kivikuru, 2017). The most exceptional and understood cases where such an OSS framework works sensibly fruitful are the Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore, the Malaysian Industrial Advancement Authority ( MIDA) and the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) of Ireland. Three cases including speculators can depend on the offices to give essentially every one of the endorsements and clearances required (Ondego Moturi, 2016). Conclusion It can be concluded that the Huduma Centre has helped in maintaining the service delivery to the public. The challenges in the service delivery in Kenya has been described in the research. The critical analysis of the literature review has helped in an understanding concept of quality of service and strategic leadership. The use of the Kurt Lewins theory change has provided brief information about the change manager in the Huduma Centre. The Servqual model describes the quality of services and gap analysis of the Huduma Centre. Therefore, the use of these theories and models have helped in mitigating the challenges in the providing services to the public of Kenya. References Abdalla, A. G., Kiragu, J. K., Waswa, F. A., Ono, F. T., Kariuki, J. W., Ikua, D. M. (2015). Effect of Huduma Centers (One Stop Shops) in Service DeliveryA Case Study of Mombasa Huduma Centre.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,5(6), 102-117. Chepkirui, n. (2017). Determinants of utilization of information communication and technology in projects in state corporations in Kenya: a case of national hospital insurance fund. Strategic Journal of Business Change Management,4(4). Chitere, P. O. (2017). COUNTY GOVERNMENT IN KENYA: Peoples' awareness and perceptions of their governance systems and participation in their leadership and poverty-reduction projects.Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal,4(6). Hackney, R. A., Tassabehji, R. (2017). The Impact of ICT on Public Service Development in Africa: an empirical analysis. Hassan, A. M., Mike, I., Guyo, W. (2017). Integrated service approach and service delivery in huduma centres in kenya: the moderating effect of transformational leadership style.European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,6(02), 302-314. Kaburu, E. K. (2017). Towards Enhanced Adoption of Innovative Building Technologies in Construction Industry.International Journal of Innovative Research and Development,6(8). Kiprop, F. J., Nyaoga, R. B., Robert, K. K. (2017). 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Monday, December 2, 2019

The Women Essays - American Quakers, First-wave Feminism

The Women The women's suffrage party fought for years on the right to vote. They weren't going to stop until they got their right. For instance, Alice Paul organized a parade through Washington D.C. on inauguration day, which supported women's suffrage and also picketed the White House for 18 months. Paul was put in jail for that and started a hunger strike. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Shanton supported the women's suffrage for fifty years later. Neither of them lived to see the 19th amendment ratified on August 26, 1920. The amendment was ratified under Wodrow Wilson as the President of the United States. Now with the 19th amendment, women have the right to own property, be employed, get an education, get a divorce, and get custody of children. They got all this with the right to vote. On August 26, 1995, It was the 75th anniversary of the 19th amendment. The women of the past showed the government that women weren't just meant for taking care of their husbands and children. In my opinion, what the women did in the past made the world a better place today for the women of the United States. 195 These are some of the important dates that happened during this period. Carrie Chapman Catt was the President of the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) for many years. In 1903, Mary Dreier, Rheta Childe, Leonora O'Reily formed the women's trade union league. In 1913, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns organized the Congressional Union. It was formally known as the NWP- National Women's Party in 1916. In 1914 the NFWC (National Federate Women's Club) had more than two million white and colored women involved. In 1916, Jeannette Rakin of Montana became the first woman to be taken into the United States House Of Representatives. There were seventy-five women who had major roles in women's suffrage. They were ver important and did a lot of hard work for the women's suffrage. Some of them were: Susan Brownell Anthony arrested for trying to vote Elizabeth Cady Shanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments Alice Stone Blackwell was the recording secretary Harriot Stanton Blatch founder of the Women's Political Union Amelia Bloomer publisher defending women and how they dressed in New York. Lucy Burns helped organized the Congressional Union Carrie Lane Chapman Catt became president in 1915 Lucretia Coffin Mott started the first women's rights convention with Stanton and her sister Martha Wright in New York Anna Howard Shaw was President from 1904 to 1915 Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a book about women independence. Alice Paul picketed the White House for women's suffrage 240 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE By definition, women's suffrage is the right for women to vote. Women's suffrage started back as far as the 1600's. I am going to talk about the 1800's. Women's suffrage upset many women in the United States. Women were known to be in the home at all times. They were there to give care for the their husbands and children. Politicians feared women coming in the political race because they thought that women might vote them out of office. In the early 19th century, women were considered second class citizens. Often after marriage they weren't allowed to own property. It was also improper for women to speak in public alone. They were told to refrain from getting an education. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton set women's suffrage in 1848 at the Women's Right Convention in Seneca Falls, New York Falls Elizabeth Cady Stanton decided to make her own declaration called The Declaration of Sentiments by using the Declaration of Independence as her guidelines. RESOULTION 9 was the women had the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was arrested for attempting to vote for Ulysses S. Grant in the 1872 presidential elections. It wasn't just in the United States that women's suffrage was going on. It was going on all over the world. It was going on in Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Scandinavia, and Italy. In Canada, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan got the right to vote in 1916. Quebec didn't get the right to vote until 1940. In Mexico, women got the right to vote in1953. In Great Britain, all women got the right to vote in 1928. In Scandinavia, in Finland, they had the right to vote in1916. Before WWI women

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Examined Life

The Examined Life When it comes to defining the philosophy of nursing science, one can be certain that a lot of debates are expected. Because of the specific nature of the issue and a lot of aspects which the philosophy of nursing science involves, the definition is rather hard to provide.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Examined Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, taking a closer look at some of the most prominent works in the given sphere, comparing and contrasting these works and analyzing the differences, one can possibly come to a certain conclusion about the definition of the philosophy of nursing science. With the help of Gaarder’s book, Okasha’s article and the movie known as The examined life, the definition of the philosophy Ð ° nursing science can be found. Speaking of the movie, one must mention that it offers a very specific interpretation of the philosophy of nursing science. One of the most spectacular things about the movie is that it goes beyond academic articles and takes the audience into the real life. Thus, the existing nursing theories and concepts are applied to practice. Moreover, the movie stretches the issue even further, introducing a global aspect of fellow citizenship into nursing (Mann, Basmajian Taylor, 2008). The movie reveals the nursing process in action, showing the way every single detail factors into the huge mechanism of nursing techniques and interventions. Therefore, the movie provides a practical experience which completes the philosophy of nursing when combined with theory. As for the book which was written by Gaarder and Moller, one can claim with a certain amount of certainty that it does relate to the issue of nursing philosophy, though rather loosely.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite the fact that the plot revolves aroun d a little girl and her grown-up pen friend who helps her dive into the depth of philosophical knowledge and has actually little to do with nursing, the given novel can be considered an important contribution to understanding the philosophy of nursing. To start with, the book offers ample opportunities for the readers to understand key philosophical principles better. In addition, the novel can be somehow related to the issue of nursing as well, since it renders the concept of caring to a certain extent. However, the novel addresses the issue in the context of the present-day feminism: She is immanent, which means she wishes to be where she is. She will therefore nurture her family, care for the environment and more homely things. Nowadays we might say that women are more concerned with feminine values than men. (Gaarder Moller, 2007, 190) Finally, Okasha’s Philosophy of science must be mentioned as well. Though, much like the previous source, it also makes the reader dwell on philosophy in general rather than on the philosophy of science, it also helps understand the basic philosophical premises. Therefore, nursing can be placed in the philosophical context with the help of Okasha’s work. In addition, to prove his point, Okasha uses two examples which are taken from medical cases (Okasha, 2002). Hence, Okasha helps locate nursing in the realm of philosophy. Speaking of the book in a more detailed manner, one must mention that it actually is a very special work. Not only does it stand out on its own merits, but also differs from the rest of the novels of the same genre, as well as the academic books written on the same topic. In a way, the book reminds of the movie much, since both take a scientific issue and make the audience see it from an everyday perspective. Making theory and practice mix, the movie and the book allow to approach academic issues rather easily. However, there are also a number of differences between the two.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Examined Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As for the movie, one must admit that it relates to the issue in question very closely. While The examined life cannot be described as a scientific documentary, since it avoids resembling an academic research, the movie still offers a decent report on the specifics of the profession, the essence of nursing and the significance of treatment. Basically explaining that nursing allows people integrate into society, starting from the moment of their birth to the point where senior citizens need enough help to remain socially active, the movie sheds some light on the specific mindset which the employees of the nursing service must have. Hence, it can be concluded that the philosophy of nursing science embraces the issues which relate to several concepts, involving the moral issues concerning the need to help people integrate back into society, health issue s, i.e., taking care of the people who are unable to provide for themselves, research issues, which involve creation of new intervention methods and the development of new theories, and a number of other problems. Offering to consider the issue from several viewpoints, the philosophy of nursing science helps approach the problem from several aspects, thus, allowing for various points of view. Hence, objectivity in nursing is achieved and unique solutions to the emerging problems are provided based on the previous experiences. Reference List Gaarder, J. Moller, P. (2007).Sophie’s World: A novel about the history of  philosophy. New York, NY: Berkeley Books. Mann, R., Basmajian, S. (Producer) Taylor, A. (Director). (2008). The examined  life [Motion picture]. New York City, NY: Zeitgeist Films.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Okasha, D. (2002). Philosophy of Science: A very short introduction. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Battle of Monterrey in the Mexican-American War

Battle of Monterrey in the Mexican-American War The Battle of Monterrey was fought September 21-24, 1846, during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) and was the first major campaign of the conflict conducted on Mexican soil. Following the initial fighting in southern Texas, American troops led by Major General Zachary Taylor crossed the Rio Grande and pushed into northern Mexico with the goal of taking Monterrey. Nearing the city, Taylor was forced to launch assaults against its defenses as he lacked the artillery to conduct a siege. The resulting battle saw American troops capture the city after taking heavy casualties as they fought through Monterreys streets. American Preparations Following the Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, American forces under Brigadier General Zachary Taylor relieved the siege of Fort Texas and crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico to capture Matamoros. In the wake of these engagements, the United States formally declared war on Mexico and efforts began to expand the U.S. Army to meet wartime needs. In Washington, President James K. Polk and Major General Winfield Scott commenced devising a strategy for winning the war. While Taylor received orders to push south into Mexico to capture Monterrey, Brigadier General John E. Wool was to march from  San Antonio, TX to Chihuahua. In addition to capturing territory, Wool would be in a position to support Taylors advance. A third column, led by Colonel Stephen W. Kearny, would depart Fort Leavenworth, KS and move southwest to secure Santa Fe before proceeding on to San Diego. To fill the ranks of these forces, Polk requested that Congress authorize the raising of 50,000 volunteers with recruitment quotas assigned to each state. The first of these ill-disciplined and rowdy troops reached Taylors camp shortly after the occupation of Matamoros. Additional units arrived through the summer and badly taxed Taylors logistical system. Lacking in training and overseen by officers of their choosing, the volunteers clashed with the regulars and Taylor struggled to keep the newly-arrived men in line. General Winfield Scott. Photograph Source: Public Domain Assessing the avenues of advance, Taylor, now a major general, elected to move his force of around 15,000 men up the Rio Grande to Camargo and then march 125 miles overland to Monterrey. The shift to Camargo proved difficult as the Americans battled extreme temperatures, insects, and river flooding. Though well-positioned for the campaign, Camargo lacked sufficient fresh water and it proved difficult to maintain sanitary conditions and prevent disease. The Mexicans Regroup As Taylor prepared to advance south, changes occurred in the Mexican command structure. Twice defeated in battle, General Mariano Arista was relieved from command of the Mexican Army of the North and ordered to face a court-martial. Departing, he was replaced by Lieutenant General Pedro de Ampudia. A native of Havana, Cuba, Ampudia had started his career with the Spanish but defected to the Mexican Army during the  Mexican War of Independence. Known for his cruelty and cunning in the field, he was ordered to establish a defensive line near Saltillo. Ignoring this directive, Ampudia instead elected to make a stand at Monterrey as defeats and numerous retreats had badly damaged the morale of the army. Battle of Monterrey Conflict: Mexican-American War (1846-1848)Dates: September 21-24, 1846Armies and Commanders:AmericansMajor General Zachary Taylor6,220 menMexicoLieutenant General Pedro de Ampudiaapprox. 10,000 menCasualties:Americans: 120 killed, 368 wounded, 43 missingMexicans: 367 killed and wounded Approaching the City Consolidating his army at Camargo, Taylor found that he only possessed wagons and pack animals to support around 6,600 men. As a result, the remainder of the army, many of whom were ill, was dispersed to garrisons along the Rio Grande while Taylor began his march south. Departing Camargo on August 19, the American vanguard was led by Brigadier General William J. Worth. Marching towards Cerralvo, Worths command was forced to widen and improve the roads for the men following. Moving slowly, the army reached the town on August 25 and after a pause pressed on to Monterrey. A Strongly Defended City Arriving just north of the city on September 19, Taylor moved the army into camp in an area dubbed Walnut Springs. A city of around 10,000 people, Monterrey was protected to the south by the Rio Santa Catarina and the mountains of the Sierra Madre. A lone road ran south along the river to Saltillo which served as the Mexicans primary line of supply and retreat. To defend the city, Ampudia possessed an impressive array of fortifications, the largest of which, the Citadel, was north of Monterrey and formed from an unfinished cathedral. The northeast approach to the city was covered by an earthwork dubbed La Teneria while the eastern entrance was protected by Fort Diablo. On the opposite side of Monterrey, the western approach was defended by Fort Libertad atop Independence Hill. Across the river and to the south, a redoubt and Fort Soldado sat atop Federation Hill and protected the road to Saltillo. Utilizing intelligence gathered by his chief engineer, Major Joseph K. F. Mansfield, Taylor found that while the defenses were strong, they were not mutually supporting and that Ampudias reserves would have difficulty covering the gaps between them. Attacking With this in mind, he determined that many of the strong points could be isolated and taken. While military convention called for siege tactics, Taylor had been forced to leave his heavy artillery at the Rio Grande. As a result, he planned a double envelopment of the city with his men striking at the eastern and western approaches. To carry this out, he re-organized the army into four divisions under Worth, Brigadier General David Twiggs, Major General William Butler, and Major General J. Pinckney Henderson. Short on artillery, he assigned the bulk to Worth while assigning the remainder to Twiggs. The armys only indirect fire weapons, a mortar and two howitzers, remained under Taylors personal control. Major General William J. Worth. National Archives and Records Administration For the battle, Worth was instructed to take his division, with Hendersons mounted Texas Division in support, on a wide flanking maneuver to the west and south with the goal of severing the Saltillo road and attacking the city from the west. To support this movement, Taylor planned a diversionary strike on the citys eastern defenses. Worths men began moving out around 2:00 PM on September 20. Fighting began the next morning around 6:00 AM when Worths column was attacked by Mexican cavalry. These assaults were beaten off, though his men came under increasingly heavy fire from Independence and Federation Hills. Resolving that these would need to be taken before the march could continue, he directed troops to cross the river and attack the more lightly defended Federation Hill. Storming the hill, the Americans succeeded in taking the crest and capturing Fort Soldado. Hearing firing, Taylor advanced Twiggs and Butlers divisions against the northeastern defenses. Finding that Ampudia would not come out and fight, he began an attack on this part of the city (Map). A Costly Victory As Twiggs was ill, Lieutenant Colonel John Garland led elements of his division forward. Crossing an open expanse under fire, they entered the city but began taking heavy casualties in street fighting. To the east, Butler was wounded though his men succeeded in taking La Teneria in heavy fighting. By nightfall, Taylor had secured footholds on both sides of the city. The next day, the fighting focused on the western side of Monterrey as Worth conducted a successful assault on Independence Hill which saw his men take Fort Libertad and an abandoned bishops palace known as the Obispado. U.S. Army troops attack through the streets of Monterrey, 1846. Public Domain   Around midnight, Ampudia ordered the remaining outer works, with the exception of the Citadel, to be abandoned (Map). The next morning, American forces began attacking on both fronts. Having learned from the casualties sustained two days earlier, they avoided fighting in the streets and instead advanced by knocking holes through the walls of adjoining buildings. Though a tedious process, they steadily pushed the Mexican defenders back towards the citys main square. Arriving within two blocks, Taylor ordered his men to halt and fall back slightly as he was concerned about civilian casualties in the area. Sending his lone mortar to Worth, he directed that one shell be fired at the square every twenty minutes. As this slow shelling began, the local governor requested permission for noncombatants to leave the city. Effectively surrounded, Ampudia asked for surrender terms around midnight. Aftermath In the fighting for Monterrey, Taylor lost 120 killed, 368 wounded, and 43 missing. Mexican losses totaled around 367 killed and wounded. Entering surrender negotiations, the two sides agreed to terms that called for Ampudia to surrender the city in exchange for an eight-week armistice and allowing his troops to go free. Taylor consented to the terms largely because he was deep in enemy territory with a small army that had just taken significant losses. Learning of Taylors actions, President James K. Polk was irate stating that army’s job was to â€Å"kill the enemy† and not to make deals. In the wake of Monterrey, much of Taylor’s army was stripped away to be used in an invasion of central Mexico. Left with the remnants of his command, he won a stunning victory at the Battle of Buena Vista on February 23, 1847.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Assignment 1 - Essay Example The first four chapter of New Testament Survey by Gromacki, Robert G explains that for one to have a good understanding of the New Testament, one should have knowledge of the last years which characterized Israel as a kingdom. In addition, questions which were not answered in the New Testament are pointed out to exist in the six centuries before Jesus Christ in the chapter. The chapter acts as a reference to the New Testament books in the bible as it relates various happenings that were missed by both the new and Old Testament. It gives a chart of intertestamental history that is extremely important for those who wishes to have a clear understanding of the New Testament. The chapters points out to the differences in how individuals view the new testament by fixing in different passages and harmonizing it to the reader. The chapters gives a clear historical context to the new testament as it lays individuals emphasis on different books that are needed for one to understand the new testament. Moreover, the chapters also have in them pictures and charts that give core emphasis to the facts presented by the New Testament. However, in my opinion, the first four chapters in New Testament Survey by Gromacki, Robert G are written in a conservative position as other individuals in the society do not take the same stand as the author of the book. The chapters are written in a fundamentalist position as the writings on the chapters are based on tradition rather than scholarship. The first four chapters discounts the synoptic gospels and other religious books like the Koran, thus the chapters does not take into consideration the views and beliefs of other scholars in the society who have an intention of reading the book. The chapters are also written to harmonize the gospels as the writings on the chapters are extensive. Therefore, it acts as study bible when the bible parts that are included and the chapters are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Religion journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Religion journal - Essay Example it excludes those sayings in which Jesus might have repeated elements from his religious heritage, and those which the church might have taken over from Jesus; and both kinds of sayings were surely on his lips. Nevertheless, in its scientific austerity the criterion of dissimilarity is the surest place to start in seeking to recover the teaching of Jesus. The three angels bring messages in the eternal gospel (v). Angels can be compared with messiahs who inform the audience about certain events: Babylon the Great and the warning message brought by the third angel. Historically, Bible was used to justify racism and injustice because it is always seen as the main books of moral laws and rules, cods of ethics and behavior. The Bible says something essential about God. In the present world the purpose and justice of God are not clearly apparent. A Christian will not question God's justice, but conditions in the world do not demonstrate it. Faith cannot escape the conviction that in the end God will vindicate his justice, manifest his fairness and goodness, and show his power to achieve his purpose. To regard this present tangled world situation as our last word about God would be fatal to New Testament faith. Jesus was not a figure of the past for his followers, but a living presence. He had risen from the dead and was spiritually present in his communities; his apostles and prophets spoke words inspired by his spirit, and since no strict distinction was made between the remembered words of the historical Jesus and the inspired words of the risen Christ, the tradition contains both kinds of material arbitrarily. It is also necessary to a sound faith in human destiny. It is not now obvious that life deals out fair treatment and offers wholesome fulfillment to all who seek...Anyone who would write about the teaching of Jesus first deals with the problem of ascertaining what that teaching was. The Old Testament can be seen and understood in relation to Christ. Jesus found guidance for his ministry and preaching in the Scriptures of his people. The earliest preachers used the Old Testament to show God's purpose in Christ, and interpreted the Christian faith as the divinely given fulfillment of the faith of Israel. If Christianity is true, the Christian interpretation of the Old Testament is the true interpretation. This life with God is life in a fellowship of worshipers. In both the Old and New Testaments the people of God furnish the setting of individual faith and worship. So, too, in the final order it is not as hermits, but as sharers in a human fellowship that men know and worship and serve God. But such good life exists only where man obeys God's will. Man is so made that he is not himself, he cannot find happiness, unless he accepts God as his Lord and lives in obedience to the divine will. But, as the New Testament sees, man has not yielded this acceptance and obedience. He is a sinner. His need roots in this fact. And this need is universal. No stress on the initiative and work of God excludes or obscures the responsibility of man to make the right response. To recognize the primacy and completeness of God's work through Christ puts the focus where it belongs, and gives the credit where it is due. But God has made man as a person, responsible for right decision and action. Every phase of life is included in this loyalty.

Friday, November 15, 2019

what if china discovered america? :: essays research papers fc

During the 15th century, the Chinese had one of the most advanced naval fleets known to man. As a result, China was able to establish many trade routes to places such as Africa, India, Singapore, etc†¦ If the Chinese wanted to, they could have sailed all the way to Europe and even as far as North America. However, the Chinese ran into some political problems that prevented explorations in the future. If they had continued their voyages, it would have been possible for them to have discovered the New World before Columbus. Had China discovered America before Columbus, our world would be different from what it is today. During the mid 1400’s, China was plagued with many political problems. Therefore, if China was to discover the New World, it would have been during the late 1300’s under the rule of the Ming Dynasty. As stated in Latourette’s book, â€Å"From the military standpoint the Ming was stronger than any native Chinese ruling house† (225). Basically in this quote Latourette is saying that during the Ming Dynasty China was at a high point in power. Because of the Ming Dynasty, China was strong and able again. If China were looking to expand, the best time would be during the Ming Dynasty because the Chinese empire was at a peak. However, the Chinese didn’t take advantage of their strong naval fleets and therefore they weren’t able to reach North America before Columbus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although it was Columbus who discovered the New World in 1492, China could have easily discovered it decades earlier. If China had discovered the New World, the culture of the west would be very similar to that of the east. Chinese culture would probably be the most dominant culture in the world, since China would have control of the east and west. â€Å"After freeing itself from it’s conquest by the Mongols, China was seeking to restore and preserve its cultural independence† (Latourette 238). The best way to preserve the fading culture of Buddhism and Taoism would be to spread it throughout the west. If the Chinese had spread their culture throughout the west, we might be speaking Chinese, not have freedom of religion, and we might be limited to Chinese beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Chinese navy in the early 1400’s was very powerful but unfortunately it grew weaker and weaker over time. The cause of this was that China ran into political problems which prevented future voyages.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Existing online ordering systems

Introduction In the previous chapter, we have provided the introduction of our project. We have described the background and motivation for the project and the importance of the problem in the previous chapter. After that we have described about the aims and objectives of our proposed solution concisely. In this chapter, we expect to provide the necessary background information of our project. We are going to illustrate some other approaches to the problems that were stated in previous chapter. 2. 2 Prevailing systemsIn the modern world online food ordering system is a one of popular e-business tactics used all over the world. In those systems restaurant or cafeteria lists their products and other relevant information about the products. Buyers will browse the listed products through internet, and they order some Food , some of them has ordering facilities among those system few of them has facility to order online in other system customer have to give a phone call to order. In few s ystems customer can pay the money online but in other system customer have to pay money to erson who delivers food.Also they can browse and find any restaurant in the country as they wish and order in there. Except those facilities there is no facility to order online food with ability to book dine-in table. There is no system to get orders from customer without waiter in the restaurant. There is no tabletop and Android application for other systems. Our system support and we develop these applications for our system. EAT 24(Miami food delivery) This is the collections of restaurants all over the world. They get orders from ustomers and deliver the Food to the customer's door step.Customer can search by neighborhood; zip codes or cuisines then find a restaurant and order whatever he wants. Customer can dine in at any restaurant that he like in Miami. In the web site there are facilities to publish customer's comments, information about restaurants and their Food and delivery informa tion. The Dons' Food-Fried Pizza The Dons' Pizza offers dine-ln( indoor seating & outdoor patio), carry out ( front counter or curbside) delivery, catering. Customer has to give a call to order. There is o facility to order online.Dons' pizza has catering service for customer's events but other systems. Burger King Burger King is a global area restaurant. They give facility to order Food and deliver Food to place where customer wants. Grub Hub Customer can order Food online from a restaurant around them as they wish. Taco sell Taco Bell is also spread in world wide. Their website only gives the information about food they provide and nutrition, ingredients of the food. KFC Provide the option to rate, comment and share on social networks about your favorite locations. Existing Online Ordering Systems In the previous chapter, we have provided the introduction of our project. We have described the background and motivation for the project and the importance of the problem in the previous chapter. After that we have described about the aims and objectives of our proposed solution concisely. In this chapter, we expect to provide the necessary background information of our project. We are going to illustrate some other approaches to the problems that were stated in previous chapter. 2.2 Prevailing systemsIn the modern world online food ordering system is a one of popular e-business tactics used all over the world. In those systems restaurant or cafeteria lists their products and other relevant information about the products. Buyers will browse the listed products through internet, and they order some Food , some of them has ordering facilities among those system few of them has facility to order online in other system customer have to give a phone call to order.In few systems customer can pay the money online but in other system customer have to pay money to person who delivers food. Also they can browse and find any restaurant in the country as they wish and order in there. Except those facilities there is no facility to order online food with ability to book dine-in table. There is no system to get orders from customer without waiter in the restaurant. There is no tabletop and Android application for other systems. Our system support and we develop these applications for our system.EAT 24(Miami food delivery)This is the collections of restaurants all over the world. They get orders from customers and deliver the Food to the customer’s door step. Customer can search by neighborhood; zip codes or cuisines then find a restaurant and order whatever he wants. Customer can dine in at any restaurant that he like in Miami. In the web site there are facilities to publish customer’s comments, information about restaurants and their Food and delivery inform ation.The Dons’ Food-Fried PizzaThe Dons’ Pizza offers dine-In( indoor seating & outdoor patio), carry out ( front counter or curbside) delivery, catering. Customer has to give a call to order. There is no facility to order online. Dons’ pizza has catering service for customer’s events but other systems.Burger KingBurger King is a global area restaurant. They give facility to order Food and deliver Food to place where customer wants. Grub Hub Customer can order Food online from a restaurant around them as they wish.Taco BellTaco Bell is also spread in world wide. Their website only gives the information about food they provide and nutrition, ingredients of the food.KFCProvide the option to rate, comment and share on social networks about your favorite locations.They give facility to order Food only by calling but online.McDONALDSIn their web site they provide information about their all branches, facilities they have given(bar availability, air condition or not, Food available for vegans, home delivery availability).They do not give facility to order Food online. Some of McDonalds outlets give only home delivery facility. Customer can publish their comments, give ratings.In this chapter we discussed about full description about background information of the project and state about others’ approaches of online cafeteria system and also what are the special facility and exclusive advantages of our system.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Type-1 Diabetes And Nutrition

NUTRITION AND DIABETES (TYPE-1)The purpose of this paper is to define diabetes and see the impact different factors like breastfeeding and nutrition have on it state.DIABETESDiabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to break down insulin, a chemical that the body produces that is responsible to convert sugar, starches and carbohydrates etc in to energy. This results in abnormal sugar production in the body and the patient typically faces the problem of ‘sweet urine’ which is produced excessively. The exact cause of this disease is still unknown as there are a number of hereditary and environmental factors including a low-physical-activity lifestyle and being over weighted.Types of Diabetes:The WHO recognizes three major categories of this disorder according to cause and population distribution as Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes. Almost 18.3% of US population is affected by diabetes. Of the affected, only 8-10% of patients have type 1 which is m ore common in children and young adults and the remaining population is reported to be effected by Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes usually occurs in women immediately after pregnancy. Only 5 to 10% of women report this disorder.Type-1 Diabetes:Type-1 diabetes typically occurs because the body totally fails to produce insulin at all; hence sugar is not converted in to energy and thus the excess sugar disorder. Type 1 diabetes can occur due to several other reasons. Sometimes, it follows viral infections like influenza, mumps etc or polio attacks. Other times it follows injury to, or surgical procedures like removal of, pancreas etc. Common symptoms include increased thirst, fatigue, excess urination, weight loss, yeast infection (affecting the genitals) etcThis state, if not taken good care of, can dangerously lead to other complications in later stages. Type-1 diabetes exposes a patient to the risk of getting various heart, kidney, oral and eye related disorders including the increased risk of suffering with strokes or heart attacks, damaged kidneys, blindness, gum disease, and some skin problems. Diabetic patients are also vulnerable to several neurological complications including acute depression, diabetic neuropathy etc.AFFECT OF BREASTFEEDINGIt is commonly believed that a diabetic mother can't breastfeed her newborn. Research proves otherwise. It's clinically proven that breastfeeding is good for both a breastfeeding mother and the health of the newborn. In fact research has shown that breastfeeding can actually reduce the risk of developing type-1 diabetes in kids [1]. Breastfeeding can actually help mother's body regulate insulin levels and even lose weight. Therefore the necessity to breastfeed should be emphasized over mothers for healthier babies with reduced risks of developing diabetes. Mothers need to take special care of their health and monitor blood glucose level carefully.NUTRITION AND DIABETESThe patients need to regulate the amount of s ugar intake and include exercise in their routine to properly burn fats and carbohydrates. They can take sugar but need to watch its quantity really carefully. A typical diabetic diet consists of 60% calories from carbohydrates, 20% from proteins and 30% from fats.   Patients are advised to talk through the diet in detail with the doctor. Including the right mix of food and nutrition, patients can live healthy and long.ReferencesAmerican Academy for Family of Physicians/ (2006). Diabetes and Nutrition. Retrieved mar 18th, 2009 from   Ã‚  American Diabetes Association/ (2009). All about diabetes. Retrieved mar 18th, 2009 from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation/ (2009). What is diabetes. Retrieved mar 18th, 2009 from Nagin, Melissa Kotlen (2009). The Diabetic Breastfeeding Mother. New York Times Company/ Retrieved mar 18th, 2009 from   National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. Diabetes Overview Dr  Jan Erik  Henri ksen, Dr  Ole. (22.09.2008). Type1 Diabetes. Retrieved mar 18th, 2009 from

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ethical Hacking Essay Sample

Ethical Hacking Essay Sample Ethical Hacking Essay Today, one of the most sought after individuals and/or companies are those who employ ethical hackers. Although the term â€Å"hacking† might seem vague and distrustful for most individuals because of how hackers are portrayed in mass media such as unlawful and people who are hunted by the government. Nevertheless, there are plenty of times when hacking is useful and productive. In some cases, hacking can be used to fix systems and software, and more importantly to prevent future probabilities of these systems being hacked themselves. This useful application of hacking is called ethical hacking. Ethical hacking simply means attempting to hack one’s system, network, or software in order to identify the threats to it and mitigate it in the future. In other words, ethical hackers are the â€Å"preventers† for hackers such as black hats, who are generally regarded as cyber criminals for trying to infiltrate security systems simply for their own gain. Another term for these ethical hackers are â€Å"white hats† and most industries today, ranging from digital companies, security providers, and especially banks have hired them. Because of the demand for these ethical hackers more and more people today are engaging and trying to learn to hack, both inside and outside educational systems. For one, this is important since it is believed that the technologies today and the abilities of the companies which create them, are just in their inception and thus more and more companies would need the help of these ethical hackers in the future. In other words, an increase in the jobs available even in the comforts of their own homes and just as any online jobs, could mean the decongestion of our cities. However, not all people are thrilled with the continuous increase of white hats in the society. For them, since white hats are just humans and are equipped with the knowledge that black hats have, then more black hats could also come from this population. Adding to the fact that these white hats are usually allowed more freedom with the use of such technologies, these increases the worrying of these people. Following from the statements above, it is apparent that the number of white hats is continuously increasing. Therefore, in response to this situation and the potential risks that it carries in the future, I believe that it is necessary that more rules and regulations must be established in order to prevent any thing detrimental that might happen not only for these technologies but also for the people who use them. One of the most prominent tech savvy and entrepreneur in the world, Elon Musk, has already warned us about the dangers of AI. He said in an interview that â€Å"the machines will win†. In line with this, I believe that hacking (both ethical and unethical) is one of the things that would determine the fate of the world as AI technology continues to grow. For one, black hats might start the use of â€Å"destructive AIs† which could pose potential dangers for the existence of human life in this planet. On the other hand, White hats could then serve as the savior s if and when such a time comes. Countering the decisions that AIs could make regarding how the world should run, especially when taking the human factor is a part of its equation. In conclusion, what this means is that hacking could be productive and essential for the advancement of technology in the world especially in this ever growing environment. However, as this trade grows, additional rules and regulations must be placed in order to keep hacking more helpful than destructive.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Low Interest USDA Farming Microloans for US Veterans

Low Interest USDA Farming Microloans for US Veterans Thanks to of all places, the latest Farm Bill, U.S. veterans will find it easier to get low-interest Microloans​ to help them start and maintain small farms and ranches. With the United States running out of farmers, and a growing number of new veterans needing jobs, the farming Microloan program for veterans, administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, helps serve both needs. Advantages of the Microloans First of all, the 2014 Farm Bill specifically exempts the USDA Veteran Farmer Microloans from the more restrictive repayment terms required by other USDA Direct Operating Loans. In addition, the program offers more flexible access to credit and serves as an especially attractive loan alternative for smaller farming operations like specialty crop producers. Eligible Microloan applicants can borrow up to $35,000, with repayment terms that will not exceed 7 years. Additional loans are available to cover annual operating expenses and are repaid within 12 months or when the agricultural commodities produced are sold. Under the Farm Bill, interest rates for veterans’ Microloans are limited to 5% or the current interest rate for traditional USDA Direct Operating Loans, whichever is less. As of February 2015, the interest rate for a USDA Direct Operating Loan was 2.625%. The USDA has also seen to it that the Microloans for veterans will also have a simplified application process and less stringent requirements regarding farm management experience. No Farming Experience? According to the USDA, the Microloan program administrators realize that many veterans who apply for loans will not have the required â€Å"traditional farm experience† or have not been raised on a farm or ever even lived in a farming community. Also See: New Website Helps US Veterans Find Careers in Agriculture To accommodate them, the FSA says it will consider a veteran’s experience in small business or in any self-guided apprenticeship program as a way to meet the farm management requirement. â€Å"This will assist applicants who have limited farm skills by providing them with an opportunity to gain farm management experience while working with a mentor during the first production and marketing cycle,† states the FSA. What the Microloans Can Be Used For Eligible veterans can use Microloans for: Initial start-up expenses;Annual expenses such as seed, fertilizer, utilities, land rents;Marketing and distribution expenses;Family living expenses;Purchase of livestock, equipment, and other essential materials;Minor farm improvements such as wells and coolers;Hoop houses to extend the growing season;Essential tools;Irrigation; andDelivery vehicles. Eligibility: What is a ‘Veteran Farmer?’ Under the 2014 Farm Bill, â€Å"Veteran Farmers† are finally recognized as a separate and unique class of farmer for purposes of USDA loan eligibility. Except for the requirement of military service, the definition of Veteran Farmer is the same as the long-standing USDA definition of beginning farmers and ranchers. According to the USDA, â€Å"beginning farmers and ranchers,† are defined as persons who have never operated a farm or ranch, or who have operated a farm or ranch for not more than 10 consecutive years. So, Microloans for veterans are available to persons who have served in the Armed Services – and – have never operated a farm or ranch, or have operated a farm or ranch for not more than 10 years. How to Apply for a Microloan Eligible veterans can either download the USDA Microloan application from the USDA website or pick one up at their local Farm Service Administration field office. Applicants who have problems gathering information or completing the application forms should contact their local Farm Service Administration office for help. After completing the required paperwork, applicants should submit the farm loan application to their local Farm Service Administration office.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Genetic Impact on Alcoholism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetic Impact on Alcoholism - Essay Example However, most current theory centers on the role of acetaldehyde in the body's ability to enjoy or reject alcohol. The Journal of Studies on Alcohol reported in 2005 found that the leveled response to alcohol among teenagers appears to identify family traits and holds the indication that alcoholism may be genetically linked. The study involved 487 subjects, of which 236 were male. The study was problematic by the need to study the alcohol effects on teenagers to establish correlation. Due to legal constraints the study was restricted to questionnaire. However, the study was able to establish a strong correlation between first degree relatives and the body's desirability for alcohol. The study used a Self-Rating of the Effects of Alcohol (SRE) Questionnaire. Subjects were required to describe the effects that alcohol had on their mood. The results are useful in establishing the need for further research. However, the research has been criticized for technical shortcomings in the small sample size of some groups as well as the failure to accommodate social factors in the study. Research reported by Molecular Psychiatry has focused on acetaldehyde as a point for the study of alcohol and its relation to genetics. Acetaldehyde is a product of ethanol metabolism.

Friday, November 1, 2019


STRATEGIC OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT(EBUs602) ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example By reducing the order delivery time, they will decrease fluctuations as well as costs and inventory levels (Wangphanich, Kara, & Kayis, 2010: p4508). P&G then turned their attention to POS purchases at their main distributors and retailers to track ordering trends and preferences respectively. Using a point-of-sale system will allow P&G to identify trends and improve communication along the chain of supply (Wang et al. 2012, p. 120). P&G also sought to get the main retailers to reduce their order sizes relative to demand. Ordering according to the needs of the consumer, rather than to stock, will aid P&G in attenuating the impact of the bullwhip effect (Wangphanich, Kara, & Kayis, 2010: p4509). P&G then utilised the improved communication and forecasting to maintain consistency in price. This will prevent increased ordering when prices are low, lessening the bullwhip effect (Wang et al. 2012, p. 120). Other approaches that P&G could have taken include: Portfolio planning, in which th ey could diversify the distributor base into a group that is on long-term contract terms to meet the major demand, and others on short-term contract terms to cover any increase in demand (Gupta & Mishra 2012, p. 27). Postponement, in which they would delay delivery of the product to their distributors until they have reliable information on demand (Gupta & Mishra 2012, p. 28). Q #2 The demand–supply gap at Cisco occurred for a number of reasons: When supply is exceeded by demand, the manufacturers such as Xilinx produced more components for the consumers, who may have ordered more products than required to generate profit. After supply caters to normal demand, orders may be cancelled, which results in unwanted inventory (Thompson & Liang-Chieh 2012, p. 120). A gap between demand and forecasting may also have caused the demand–supply gap, especially if Cisco’s planning team forecasted demand through extrapolation of demand at present. Small fluctuations result fr om long lead-time extrapolation, which ends up having a huge impact on the demand–supply gap (Akkermans & Voss 2013, p. 770). Use of batch orders for small and frequent orders may have been made to reduce storage costs or logistics. This could result in increased demand variability compared to supply (Thompson & Liang-Chieh 2012, p. 121). Price fluctuations due to anticipation that there will be a price increase could have led to items being stocked up to capitalise on low prices. This leads to variation between supply and demand (Akkermans & Voss 2013, p. 771). These arrangements could have resulted in a pileup of Cisco’s inventory, as forecasters did not notice artificial inflation within their projections. Since many of the company’s clients ordered similar products from competitors so as to close the deal with the company that delivered on their orders first, Cisco’s demand forecasts were inflated by triple and double orders (Thompson & Liang-Chieh 20 12, p. 121). Their supply chain management system was unable to indicate the increased demand. This was representative of overlapping orders, leading to a vicious cycle of demand that was inflated artificially, increased costs, and poor communication along their chain of supply (Akkermans & Voss 2013, p. 771). For these reasons, it is clear that the biggest problem had to do with poor communication across the chain of supply. To counter this, Cisco integrated an

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kennedy's Forreign Policy (1961-63) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kennedy's Forreign Policy (1961-63) - Assignment Example Before his election success, President Kennedy was unaware of the planned invasion of Cuba. In fact, he criticized the role of Eisenhower administration for failing to offer support to the anti-Castro Cubans in their fight for freedom. However, the reverse was true; the Eisenhower government has planning and invasion into Cuba which Kennedy was briefed after the elections and opted to continue with the process. The argument posed was the effect of withdraw of America from the support of the anti-Castro revolt would demoralize Cubans and lead to serious challenge in the relationship between Cuba and the US. The American university speech was a speech issued by the American universities during the cold war period. The universities advised the then president John Kennedy not to plunge the nation into another war bearing in mind that the U.S had not yet fully recovered from the horrors of the Second World War. The Bay of Pigs invasion was a major unsuccessful military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the paramilitary group on April 1961. During the challenge, President Kennedy was involved in the action. However, the group was defeated within three days by forces controlled by the Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro. The president was new in office but consented to the plan of Cuban invasion. Initially, President Eisenhower was concerned with the direction taken by the Cuban prime minster and has indicated the need to stop Castro from ascending to power. The attack by the US involved 1400 paramilitaries divided into five infantry battalion. The Cuban battalion was headed by Josà © Ramà ³n Fernandez, but the brigade was taken over by Fidel Castrol. The invasion led to loss by America with the capture soldiers being interrogated and sends back to the US (Traynor, 2001, p. 279). In fact, the win strengthens the position of Castro’s administration and the claiming of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bible Essay Example for Free

Bible Essay There are many accounts in the Bible that state God as the creator. Genesis 1 and 2 are both creation stories but slightly differ in their accounts; Genesis 1 is a day by day account of all the things God created in not so much detail whereas Genesis 2 explains the creation story in a way that focuses more on the creation of man and woman than just the lands. Having two accounts of the creation story means that it is easier to come up with your own conclusion as to how the earth was created. The first line of Genesis 1 is â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator. Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them† This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day. The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image. â€Å"Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after. Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was made, Genesis 2 speaks a whole lot more about the creation of humans rather than the land. The most time that the creation of land is mentioned is at the beginning of Genesis 2. â€Å"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-â€Å" This is the first thing said in Genesis 2 and it is stating that God is the creator. It says that God created both the heavens and the earth; there is never any question or vagueness about God creating the heavens and the earth it is all very matter of fact. Although Genesis 2 doesn’t always speak of God ‘creating’ things it often personifies God in such a way that he is planting or making objects. â€Å"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-â€Å" This quote doesn’t say that God created the trees but made them grow from the ground, this is essentially saying that He created them as it was the first sighting of trees but is said in a different way as so not to force the ‘creation’ down your throat like Genesis 1 does. This is so that you can come to your own conclusion about which one is more plausible or correct but there is still no doubt as to god being the creator. Job 38 from the Book of Job is a story of how Satan and God have a disagreement where Satan was saying that Job only worships God because he is prosperous in his life, God then agrees to take away all his possessions and leave him with nothing to show Satan that Job would still worship him even if he was left with nothing. Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar try to comfort Job but they end up doing the opposite and tell Job that the reason for all his losses is because he has sinned and now God is making him suffer. In the end Job has had enough and questions God, this makes God angry and then Job has a better understanding and realises that he should have trusted God all along. God then returns all of Jobs health and possession in better amounts than they previously were. This story is God showing his power and his superiority to humans. â€Å"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? † This is God saying that he is mightier than any human and they do not compare to His power. This is also showing that God is omnipotent and that we know nothing compared to him. This is all enforcing that God is the creator and better than all the humans. â€Å"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it’s place,† This is saying that God has dominance over everything in the world, humans and nature. After Gods account of all his majestic works (such as the world and humans) and power, Job has to acknowledge God’s right as creator to do as he pleases and to not be questioned. Job is essentially the personification of all humans who do not believe god as the creator, Job doubted God and his ability so god became angry; this is supposedly what happens every time someone doubts God. Psalm 8 is a song about the lord God and his creation. â€Å"You have set your glory above the heavens† While this quote form the first verse isn’t directly linked to God being the creator it is saying that God has stated his glory in a way that so far in this psalm we do not know yet, we know that God has glory which could mean he has done something great. â€Å"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers† Now we start to work out what it is that causes God to have glory, â€Å"the work of your fingers† we are literally told that God has made the heavens with his ‘fingers’. This personification of God shows that people saw him as one of them but also appreciated his greater power, this could possibly relate to humans being made in God’s image. â€Å"you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings† This quote is, like Job 38, stating God’s dominance over the humans. God made humans a little lower than heavenly beings so that they knew their place and that they were lesser than himself ‘the creator’.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Value of an Education Essay -- Education School College

Value of an Education In today's society education is really important. Education has evolved a lot over time and has shaped American society. Back in the day, education was not as important because many jobs did not have educational requirements. In those days you could have a high school diploma and get a good job. Today, if you only have a high school diploma the types of jobs that you can get include fast food restaurants or maybe construction work. Getting your college degree is very essential to your economic success and your ability to get a good job that pays well. Prior to entering college in the fall, I felt that college would be very challenging for me because of what my friends that were already attending college told me. I feel that high school as a whole does not prepare you for work at the college level. Many people in high school study very little or they might not study at all and they can still maintain an A average. At the college level you can not study very little and expect to get the same results. If high school better prepared students for college there would be more college students making it to their sophomore years of college instead of dropping out. Another big difference between high school and college is the fact that there is so much freedom in college. In high school you are on such a tight leash that you are forced to do things that you aren't forced to do in college. For example, in high school, if you don't go to class, your parents will be notified. In college, you're on your own and you need to make the decision t o go class as scheduled. I think that this is one of the main reasons why students flunk out of college. Many students at the age of 18 and 19 see that most classes don't take ... very highly, so it is fitting that the University of Kentucky do the same. Values teach us that we can reach as high as we can, rather than cutting ourselves short. The University offers highest standards of achievement which enable students to realize their full potential. I believe that the University of Kentucky is a good school that supports every student to be the best they can be. " A school that operates with a set of values that ensures a common and consistent code of respectful and responsible behavior makes a significant difference. Students learn far better when they are a part of a school that consciously applies values education policies, behavior strategies and teaching programs that employs trained teachers who can discuss values issues in all areas of the curriculum." Lawley, Judy. Living Values. Values Education, 2003

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biology Essay

The basic reason why I chose Biology as my pre-med degree to pursue in college was because I believed that the subject promoted critical thinking. Critical thinking is basically an outcome of normal experiences and implemented to new ones. I believe that if I will be immersed to biology subjects as a preparatory degree for my medical studies, I will be able to utilize this critical thinking along with my talents to establish a good career after my college days are over. I believe that critical thinking is important in my life, therefore my pursuit of a Biology degree will improve me as my experiences and medical knowledge improves also. I am very firm in my belief that contrary to what other people say, Biology triggered a learning process in me which exposed my capabilities and skills in logical procedures, which eventually led me to an investigation to possess information that validated what I have found out or in a specific case. I believe that biology subjects therefore initiated within me the desire to implement my critical thinking capabilities in order to establish the appropriate way to do or the correct solution to a dilemma being faced. The second major reason why I took up Biology as my major in college was that I had always dreamed to become a doctor or a nurse someday. I believe that by pursuing a Biology degree in college, I will be able to use these knowledge in my future medical profession, involving either the doctor or the nursing job, and perhaps I may be able to use various procedures established on Biology courses particularly because of their priority on both gathering scientific information on the initiatives that they illustrate based on other results and evaluations that have been established by other individuals, therefore also emphasizing on the precision of the results. Yet, I know that Biology courses are holistic academic programs that include not only one subject but the entire field. As far as my extracurricular activities are concerned, beside my usual study during my high school days, I was also interested in activities like quiz contest, oratory contests, and many more. I have also volunteered as a member of Family Planning association of Nepal. Above all these, I was a member of Malangwa Junior Jaycess which served people in different aspects. As a member of this association I voluteered to provide relief to the flood victims during 1995 in Nepal When talking about taking my choices and options of majors as an incoming transferee to your prestigious college, however, my critical thinking skills I believe really fits with the Biology and Medical degree programs. In handling biological projects, for example, I will be expected to quickly choose for the appropriate manner that the projects will be accomplished, not to mention the various cases that have to be involved for the choices. The significance of accomplishment and the ethical queries must also be involved as well. And these skills can be provided to me by my Biology courses. As I mentioned a while ago, pursuing these subjects will give me a more knowledgeable position when talking about evaluating my future career as a doctor or a nurse, and at the same time I will be able to fulfill my ambition since childhood. Due to these circumstances, I know that I must always be careful about my life decisions, especially my academic decisions for my future. Nonetheless, there is no doubt in my mind that Biology will still be my major as I transfer to your prestigious college.