Thursday, December 26, 2019

Fidel Castro And The Cuban Missile Crisis - 908 Words

Fidel Castro came into power in the late 1950s. He was a very ruthless dictator that came into power by kicking American led companies out of Cuba. After the United States was kicked out of Cuba. The United States government ceased all trade and economic ties with the Cuban Government. The Cuban Missile Crisis started when an American spy plane that was spying on the island of Cuba noticed that there were missiles built on the island of Cuba, that they were built on the island of Cuba and that the offensive missiles were of Soviet design and making. After the plane noticed the offensive missiles in Cuba, the President of the United States John Kennedy called for an emergency meeting of all of the defense chiefs and they would decide what to do about the missiles in Cuba, which threatened the United States mainland. After the missiles were discovered on the island of Cuba, the United Nations Security Council held their own emergency meeting and there were some very hard words exchange d between the American ambassador to the United Nations and the Soviet Ambassador on why the missiles were on the Island of Cuba in the first place. The confrontation occurred in the United Nations Security Council where there are five permanent members of the Security Council. The Soviets wanted to deploy the missiles into Cuba to deter any involvement by the United States in Cuba and so that way we would not try to unseat the government of Cuba. That is one reason why the Soviets deployed theShow MoreRelatedFidel Castros Impact on Cuba, America, and the World1359 Words   |  6 Pages Fidel Castro, resigned now, and still living, was the dictator of the Cuban nation. He has had an big impact on America, and he an impact on our world. Fidel Castro was a Cuban dictator for a long time coming. Fidel Castro becoming a dictator not only affected the United States, but his arrival affected the world around us. Fidel Castro was a man who had a target on his head. Lots of people from all over the world wanted him dead. Fidel Castro wasn’t a capitalist person, he was a CommunistRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution1559 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cuban revolution was the spark that ignited the flame of communism in Cuba. The developing nation gained independence only as recently as 1898, and was already filled with an atmosphere of distrust and resentment towards the United States. In July of 1953, a revolution began in Cuba between the United States backed President Batista and Fidel Castro. Fidel and his brother Raul Castro lead a series of guerilla warfare battles against the forces of President Batista. â€Å"I am Fidel Castro and we haveRead MoreJordan Belleman. Ms. Verdino Ms. Kingmr. Muraco . Social1461 Words   |  6 PagesStudies 801 12 May 2017 The Cuban Missile Crisis â€Å"The most terrifying moment in my life was October 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I did not know all the facts we have learned only recently how close we were to war but I know enough to make me tremble† (Joseph Rotblat). During the Cuban missile crisis, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 milesRead MoreEssay about The Cuban Missile Crisis756 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis Between 1959 and 1962 relations between USA and Cuba deteriorated. Up until 1959, America had kept General Batista in power over Cuba and had strong links, especially in trade. Castro’s ascent to power in 1959 triggered the short-term events contributing to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The main cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis was the cold relationship between the two great superpowers: America and Russia. This hadRead MoreFidel Castro Is Alive1443 Words   |  6 Pages Upon his release, Castro went to Mexico where he spent the next year organizing the 26th of July Movement, which was based on the date of the failed Santiago de Cuba barracks attack. On December 2, 1956, Castro and the rest his fellow rebels of the 26th of July Movement landed on Cuban soil with the intention of starting a revolution. They were only met with the welcome of heavy Batista defenses, causing nearly everyone in the Movement to be killed. Barely anyone escaped, and those who did whichRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution943 Words   |  4 PagesThe infamous Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro was born on a farm on August 13,1926 and he is currently 89 years old. He was the third child out of six. His full name was Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz Fidel Castro. He was not born into a poor family, his father Angel happened to be a very wealthy sugar plantation owner. At the time Cuba’s economy was not thriving, but Castro still grew up in wealthy conditions. He went to a private boarding school to receive his education. There he became a star studentRead MoreCuban Revolution By Andrew Caminiti1476 Words   |  6 PagesCuban Communist Revolution By Andrew Caminiti The terrible conditions that many Cuban citizens lived under during the Batista regime was unacceptable. The Cuban Citizens wanted a change and started a revolution. To find out why we go all the way back to 1868 when the United States defeated the Spanish Army giving Cuba its independence. The Cubans elected Fulgencio Batista who did not allow any more elections to take place. This angered many and a new revolution leader formed, Fidel Castro. FidelRead MoreCuba s Relationship With The U.s.1130 Words   |  5 Pagesas follows; Fidel Castro’s presidency of Cuba, Guerilla Warfare in Cuba, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fidel Alejandro Castro was born in Biran, Cuba on August 13, 1926. He was the third child out of six children, he had two brothers and three sisters. Fidel’s father, Angel Castro, was a plantation owner from Spain. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzalez was Angel’s first wife’s maid. At the age of fifteen Castro’s father divorced his first wife and married Lina. By the age of seventeen Fidel was recognizedRead MoreA Brief Biography of Fidel Castro1316 Words   |  5 PagesHis full name is Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz and he was born on August 13, 1926 in a Birà  n, Cuba. Castro’s parents are Angel Castro(father) and Lina Ruz(mother). His father was a wealth landowner while his mother was a cook and maid to Angel. Castro was the third of six children in his family. His parents sent Fidel to a Jesuit boarding school where he was disciplined and showed the true potential of his intellect. While in boarding school, he also showed a much bigger interest in sports rather thanRead MoreWhat Major Events in the Cold War Caused Fidel Castro to Side with the Soviet Union Super Power?805 Words   |  4 PagesWhat major events in the Cold War caused Fidel Castro to side with the Soviet Union Super Power? In the 1960’s the world was largely dominated by the Cold War which was a long period of tension and hostility that only occasionally broke out into open warfare. This conflict was caused by the rivalry of two superpowers - the United States and the Soviet Union and emerged after the Second World War. Both super powers had different ideologies - the United States was a capitalist democracy, whereas

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Swot Analysis of Wal-Mart and Carrefour - 952 Words

Susan Donoho Argosy University SWOT Analysis of Wal-mart and Carrefour SWOT Analysis for Wal-Mart and Carrefour What is a hypermarket? According to Business Dictionary that is an online business definition resource, it is a â€Å"vast self-service warehouse-cum-retail outlet that combines the features of a supermarket, department store, discount store, and specialty store in one location.† A hypermarket may also be called a hyper-mart (Business Dictionary, 2012). The multinational retailers that are analyzed in this report are considered hypermarkets. This critical analysis will communicate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart and Carrefour specifically in the country of China that†¦show more content†¦This new company created a strategy to divide China into four areas where by a managing office would create a strategy for that region to grow Carrefour stores. Each manager of a store had the freedom to adhere to customers, and customers preferences in order to reflect the region it was doing business with. The management also worked with local managers on regulations (Carrefour, 2012). The overall strategy of Wal-Mart is with efficient supply chains and cost effectiveness, which translates in to savings to the consumer. Normally Wal-Mart conducts business, such as in the US, with safety and conforms to In reports about Wal-Mart, and supply chains that have been â€Å"a mess† there seems to be frustration, and confusion with senior level executives who are resigning from Wal-mart. Wal-Mart corporate is investing more money into expanding across China than it did to expand across the USA because the country is poorer, not as well off, and supply chains in China are not dependable. Lack of quality in supply chain products have caused scandal and death in some cases, cause the loss of Wal-Mart reputation currency (Associated Press, 2008). REFERENCES Associated Press. (2008, October). Walmart opens stores in china s hinterlands. Retrieved from Associated Press: MoreRelatedWal Mart And The Largest Retail Company1137 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Wal-Mart started as a small firm, with a single discount store and the simple idea of selling more for less. The company has gone a long way from one store to having more than 11,500 stores in 28 countries. Wal-Mart has been a very successful by becoming the largest retail company in the world employing 2.2 million in the World and 1.4 million in United States. This project is about the problems of Wal-Mart as a company with employees and the community at large. The company is knownRead MoreWal-Mart Dominating Global Retail Essay1498 Words   |  6 PagesWal-Mart Dominating Global Retail Brief summary The Wal-mart is the largest retail chain in United States and in the world. The wal-mart was founded in the year 1962 by Mr Sam Walton. It was originally named as Wal-Mart discount city in Rogers, Arkansas. At the time when the Wal-Mart stores started in the year 1962 it was focused only in small rural cites and town which had a population of 5000 to 25000. It was soon increased to 18 stores in 1969. In the next 30 years it had more than 4750Read MoreTesco Entering in China1244 Words   |  5 Pagesdecided to enter the country through a joint venture so that it could learn about the market through its partner, which had operated in the market for several years. Also, by the time Tesco entered China, other multinational retailers like Wal-Mart and Carrefour were already well-established in the market. The case discusses how Tesco faced the challenges in an emerging market like China by adopting strategies to suit that market. The case ends with a discussion on the challenges that Tesco facesRead MoreWal-Mart China Analysis3304 Words   |  14 Pagesentered, e.g. Carrefour, Tesco and Wal-mart. Now the Wal-mart has become one of the very important supermarkets in Chinese supermarket sector. This assignment is intends to offer the evaluation for the business and performance of Wal-mart in China in terms of PEST and SWOT models, with critical discussion on the choosing and using of those two analytical models, so that provide the critical analysis and related recommendation to Wal-mart’s strategy in China. Critical evaluation of PEST and SWOT models SinceRead MoreCarefour Missadventure in Russia Essay4589 Words   |  19 PagesMaster of Business Administration Strategic Management Carrefour Misadventure in Russia Supervised By Submitted By John Kalmus Muhammad Omair STU 22782 Submitted To IBAM Word Count 3898 Submission Date 22 January 2011 Carrefour strategy is comprised of following components Organic, Sustainable and Profitable growth Fast return on capital employed Market Leadership through Acquisition Carrefour started business in 1963 by introducing the idea of hyper market by providing thousandsRead MoreEssay about Swot Analysis of Wal-Mart in China1779 Words   |  8 PagesWal-Mart in China October 31, 2011 The team is playing the role of management consultants in the case study of Wal-Mart stores in China. The team decided that a SWOT analysis was the best approach to the case in the beginning stages of the project. The SWOT analysis was designed as a tool that identifies  the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. The  method of SWOT analysis is to take the information from  an environmental analysis and separate it into internal  (strengthsRead MoreBusiness Strategy of Carrefour4959 Words   |  20 Pagesof great uncertainty and increasing volatility in the overall business climate, Carrefour, the world’s second largest retailer aims to accelerate growth. Through a strategic lens, we seek to review and identify the various key areas that Carrefour need to focus so as to gain a stronger foothold in Asia. 1.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Research Background The purpose of the assignment is to analyze the business environment of Carrefour and ensure strategic integration of its people and policies with the aim of bringingRead MoreSwot and Macro Environmental Analysis of Nordstrom1664 Words   |  7 Pagesaccorded the last place in the priority list of company. Nordstrom working as departmental store in the retail industry would be effected by all the forces in the marketing environment. Nordstrom’s competitors are Wal-Mart, amp; K-Mart, and Carrefour. SWOT Analysis for Nordstrom: Strength: It was rationalized by the promoter that if customers are satisfied by the services and the best service could only be offered by highly motivated employee (sales force), the share holders, promotersRead MoreWal-Mar Global Expansion Strategy10037 Words   |  41 PagesWal-Mart Stores, Inc. Wal-Mart: Global Expansion Strategy ____________________________________________________________ _________ Table of Contents A. Introduction B. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 1. The Adolescence of Wal-Mart 2. Channel of Distribution 3. The Financial Facts and Figures 4. Unique Expansion Strategy 5. Corporate and Management Culture C. The Competition in the United States D. Wal-Mart’s Global Strategy E. Expansion Target: France General Overview Retail Industry OverviewRead MoreCarrefours Strategy3339 Words   |  14 Pages| The strategy of Carrefour | | | Summary I- Introduction 3 I- Historic 4 II- Characteristics of supermarket distribution 5 a) Porter’s five 5 b) PESTEL 7 c) SWOT 9 III- Strategies in France 10 IV- International strategy of Carrefour 11 V- The new markets and the future 12 VI- Suggested strategies 13 VII- Conclusion 14 VIII- Bibliography 15 I- Introduction Carrefour was the first supermarket created in France and also in the world

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Opportunity Component of Entrepreneurship Policy †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Opportunity Component of Entrepreneurship Policy. Answer: Introduction The government of Kenya has faced many problems due to the bad delivery of services in public sector. The government of Kenya has seen drastic changes in the operations of a legal constitution in the early 1990s. The government have more than 100,000 civil servants but does not have an impact on the services on the public sector (Abdalla et al., 2015). It provides enhanced government services for citizen by amalgamating services in one building. Therefore, questions have raised against the quality of Huduma centers regarding the quality of services in public sectors. This study focuses on analyzing the effect of Huduma centers in service delivery in Kenya. The challenges in providing public services have been discussed in the research. A proper literature review about the topic has been provided in the study. A critical analysis of the concept of the service delivery has been discussed in the research. Various models and theories have been discussed in the literature review that helps in resolving the issues in the public services. This study outlines the effects of the service delivery in the public sector in Kenya. The factors affecting the service delivery in Huduma centers has been described properly in the research. The study focuses on the strategies for mitigating the poor services in the public sector. The research consists of aims, objectives, and questions that help in increasing success factor of the research. The research depicts the impact of the bad services in the Huduma centers in Kenya. The government of Kenya has around 100,000 civil servants. However, there is a decrement in the quality of the services in the Huduma centers. The government of Kenya has started a concept of Huduma centers to transform the service delivery by providing access to public services and info ration to people of Kenya (Kiprop, Nyaoga Robert, 2017). The main problem is poor services in the public sector. The government of Kenya has been facing corruption from many years. The government has established various centers including Nairobi, Kisumu, Nyeri, Embu, Machakos and Mombasa. The implementation of the Huduma center is in progress. Therefore, the research has been done to understand the consequences of the negligence of the government of the Kenya (Hassan, Mike Guyo, 2017). The research has also focused on the impact of Huduma centers in the delivery of services to the public. Research aim, objectives and questions The aim of the research is to analyze the effect of service delivery in Kenya public sector by Huduma sector. The objectives of the research have been mentioned below: To analyze the effect of the Huduma Centres in delivery of service to the public in Kenya To critically analyze the transparency in services provided by Huduma Centres To identify the challenges faced by the Huduma Centres in providing service delivery to public in Kenya To determine contribution of Huduma Centres in providing customer satisfaction in government service delivery The research questions have been provided below: What is the effect of the Huduma Centres in the delivery of service to the public in Kenya? How have Huduma Centres provided transparency in providing services? What are the challenges faced by the Huduma Centres in providing service delivery to the public in Kenya? What is contribution of Huduma Centres in providing customer satisfaction in government service delivery? Huduma Centre is a concept started by the government of Kenya in order to manifest Public Service Delivery by providing access to government service to the public. The Huduma Centre is a one-stop shop approach for reforming the delivery of services in the public sector of Kenya (Wambugu, Wachira Mwamba, 2017). It aims to bring various services close to the public that helps in the development of the country. The government services including, birth certificates, national identity card, passports, marriage certificates and other necessities. However, these services are not available in the market if the Kenya. There is a lack of proper legal authorities, which can manage these activities. As commented by Otieno Omwenga, (2015), strategic leadership helps in maintaining such activities in the public. Leadership quality can be used for controlling weakness and loopholes on the legal authorities of the country. The change in the legal authorities is necessary that helps in reforming th e delivery of services to the public. The development of the organization depends on the strategic leadership in the operations of the organization. The dispatch of Huduma Centers acknowledged huge advance in the arrangement of service through ICT. The focuses give ones top looks for services, for example, registration of business, registration for National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) among other services (Opiyo et al., 2017). The result has been that there is an expansion in the number of MDAs giving services through ICT. Leadership is a procedure impact amongst leaders and subordinates where a leader endeavors to affect the conduct of subordinates to accomplish the authoritative objectives. Authoritative achievement in accomplishing its objectives and targets relies upon the leaders of the organization and their authority styles. By embracing the proper leadership styles, leaders can influence worker work fulfillment, duty, and efficiency at Huduma Centers. Later in 2009, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has supported Kenyan government for stepping up public sector reforms for focusing on national transformation (Ondego Moturi, 2016). The government of Kenya has taken the step for mitigating the issues in providing services to the public. The government of Kenya has provided passports, identity cards and driving licenses to the public that helps in maintaining the customer satisfaction in public. Kurt Lewins Force Theory of Change In 1957, Kurt Lewin introduced a three-step change model for understanding views and behavior of forces in the working environment. Various driving forces can facilitate change as they push employees in their direction. According to Lewin, the initial phase simultaneously of changing conduct is to unfreeze the current circumstance or business as usual. To start with, increment the main forces that immediate conduct far from the current circumstance or existing conditions (Kivikuru, 2017). A few exercises that can aid the unfreezing step including propelling members by setting them up for change, assemble trust and acknowledgment for the need to change, and effectively take in perceiving issues and conceptualizing arrangements inside a gathering. Lewin's second step during the time spent evolving conduct is development. In this progression, it is important to move the target framework to another level of balance. Three activities that can aid the development step including inducing workers to concur that existing conditions is not painful to them and urging them to see the issue from a point of view, cooperate on a journey for new, significant data, and associate the perspectives of the gathering to all around regarded, intense leaders that bolster the change. The third step of Lewin's three-step change model is refreezing. This progression needs to occur after the change has been executed with the end goal for it to stick over time. It is very likely that the change will be fleeting and the workers will return to their old behavior if this step is not taken. It is the real integration of the new esteems into the group esteems and customs (Kiprop, Nyaoga Robert, 2017). The motivation behind refreezing is to balance out the new balance coming about because of the change by adjusting both the driving and controlling powers. One activity that can be utilized to actualize Lewin's third step is to strengthen new patterns by a formal and informal mechanism. In the case of the Huduma Centres, the change management is necessary for eradicating competitive pressure, legislation and technological advancements. As commented by Muchai Kimuyu, (2017), the goals of the Huduma Centres can be achieved by full participation in the change efforts generated by complete agreement in different assets of change management. SERVQUAL MODEL The Servqual model is used to analyze the quality of services provided by any organization in the market. It compares between the customers expectation and quality of services provided by an organization. In this case, this model can be applied to analyze the services provided by the Huduma Centre in Kenya. The SERVQUAL has ended up being an important instrument for benefit organizations to better comprehend to their clients or customers esteem and how well they are addressing the necessities and desires of clients and customers (Muhika, Njeru Waiganjo, 2017). It gives a benchmark in light of client conclusions of a fantastic organization, on the positioning of key credits and on correlation with what workers of administration organizations trust clients feel. The SERVQUAL has gone under a few reactions. Chepkirui (2017) argued that the five measurements of RATER are not universals and that the model neglects to draw on set up the monetary, factual and mental hypothesis (Waruguru, Bwisa Kihoro, 2017).While benefit an incentive to the social combination is connected just with steadyness, benefit an incentive to tranquil life is related to both dependability and patronage plans. They contend that present execution best mirrors a customers view of administration quality and that desires are not some portion of this idea. () noticed that regardless of the possibility that it might be important to rephrase or adjust a portion of the things, yet the SERVQUAL scale is relevant in an extensive variety of business administrations. Hackney Tassabehji, (2017) argued that the expansion of things as well as measurements might bring about the loss of the scale's honesty. In their contentions in the help of the SERVQUAL. Wachira et al., (2017), the place that SERVQUAL remains the entire endeavor to conceptualize and measure benefit quality. Its principle advantage is the capacity of specialists to look at various administration businesses, for example, social insurance, managing an account, money related administrations and instruction. The SERVQUAL demonstrate recommends that clients assess the nature of an administration on five particular measurements: unwavering quality, responsiveness, confirmation, compassion, and physical assets. The SERVQUAL instrument comprises of 22 explanations for evaluating buyer observations and desires with respect to nature of an administration. Seen benefit quality outcomes from examinations by customers of desires with their view of administration conveyed by the specialist co-ops (Otieno, 2017). It can be contended that the factor supporting the conveying of good seen benefit quality is really meeting the desires of the clients. In this manner, phenomenal benefit quality is surpassing the clients' desires. Kaburu, (2017) proposed that client desires are convictions about an administration that fill in as measures against which benefit execution is judged. A gap is made when the recognitions of the conveyed benefit is not according to the desires of the client. They recommended that the SERVQUAL model could be reached out to quantify gaps in quality and could accordingly be utilized as a symptomatic instrument to empower administration to recognize benefit quality shortages. The gap score is ascertained by the discernment proclamations being deducted from the desire articulations. On the off chance that any gap scores end up being certain then this suggests desires are really being surpassed. These permits benefit chiefs to audit whether they need to re-send assets to regions of underperformance. Impact of Huduma Centre on service delivery to public The Huduma Centre have slightly helped in enhancing the delivery of services with a various context of success and failure. The One Stop Shop has able to enhance the service delivery in the public sector. The public sector has been reformed in the country for approaching result-based strategy in the service delivery. The challenges in providing service delivery are complex and require the innovative change in the management (Chitere, 2017). The strategies for mitigating these issues in Kenya require customer-centric, capacity-building, innovation and connected government. In Kenya, the Vision 2030 focuses on the public-specific strategies that might help in maintaining the progress of the service delivery in the country. The feedbacks of citizen help in analyzing the various factors influencing the quality of the service delivery in Huduma Centre. The literature review has explained the Kurt Lewins theory of change and Servqual model to analyze the effect of the Huduma Centres on the service delivery (Pfeil, Schott Agarwal, 2017). The change theory has helped in providing concept about the change management in the Centre. The Servqual model has discussed about the quality of the services offered by the Centre. The Servqual model is based on the customer satisfaction factor in the market. In any organization, basic leadership happens at three levels thus procedures can likewise be figured at all these diverse levels. Procedures are figured at all these levels since a solitary procedure is insufficient, yet additionally inadequate. These diverse levels of key basic leadership also, a vital definition in any organization incorporate, corporate level, business level, and practical level. The corporate level takes major key choices. The execution of any organization will concisely rely on the key choice it takes. (Ondego Moturi, 2016). Kurt Lewin presented the three-advance change display. The three main forces unfreeze, change and refreeze, encourage change since they drive workers in the coveted bearing. Restraining forces thwart change since they push workers the other way. In this way, these powers must be investigated and Lewin's three-advance model can help move the balance toward the ar ranged change. As per Muchai Kimuyu, (2017), one-stop shops are one of a few institutional substitutes Governments frequently embrace to sidestep or quicken existing methodology where they are broken. No less than 15 nations in the Middle East North Africa district have some sort of OSS in presence as a major aspect of their organization advancement endeavors. One-stop Shops ended up noticeably well known in the 1980s as a way to advance speculation, frequently as an aide to organization advancement organizations (like GAFI). The essential thought is that a financial specialist would just be in contact with one single substance to acquire all the fundamental printed material in one streamlined and facilitated process, as opposed to going through a hierarchy of various government bodies (Kivikuru, 2017). The most exceptional and understood cases where such an OSS framework works sensibly fruitful are the Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore, the Malaysian Industrial Advancement Authority ( MIDA) and the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) of Ireland. Three cases including speculators can depend on the offices to give essentially every one of the endorsements and clearances required (Ondego Moturi, 2016). Conclusion It can be concluded that the Huduma Centre has helped in maintaining the service delivery to the public. The challenges in the service delivery in Kenya has been described in the research. The critical analysis of the literature review has helped in an understanding concept of quality of service and strategic leadership. The use of the Kurt Lewins theory change has provided brief information about the change manager in the Huduma Centre. The Servqual model describes the quality of services and gap analysis of the Huduma Centre. Therefore, the use of these theories and models have helped in mitigating the challenges in the providing services to the public of Kenya. References Abdalla, A. G., Kiragu, J. K., Waswa, F. A., Ono, F. T., Kariuki, J. W., Ikua, D. M. (2015). Effect of Huduma Centers (One Stop Shops) in Service DeliveryA Case Study of Mombasa Huduma Centre.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,5(6), 102-117. Chepkirui, n. (2017). Determinants of utilization of information communication and technology in projects in state corporations in Kenya: a case of national hospital insurance fund. Strategic Journal of Business Change Management,4(4). Chitere, P. O. (2017). COUNTY GOVERNMENT IN KENYA: Peoples' awareness and perceptions of their governance systems and participation in their leadership and poverty-reduction projects.Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal,4(6). Hackney, R. A., Tassabehji, R. (2017). The Impact of ICT on Public Service Development in Africa: an empirical analysis. Hassan, A. M., Mike, I., Guyo, W. (2017). Integrated service approach and service delivery in huduma centres in kenya: the moderating effect of transformational leadership style.European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,6(02), 302-314. Kaburu, E. K. (2017). Towards Enhanced Adoption of Innovative Building Technologies in Construction Industry.International Journal of Innovative Research and Development,6(8). Kiprop, F. J., Nyaoga, R. B., Robert, K. K. (2017). 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Monday, December 2, 2019

The Women Essays - American Quakers, First-wave Feminism

The Women The women's suffrage party fought for years on the right to vote. They weren't going to stop until they got their right. For instance, Alice Paul organized a parade through Washington D.C. on inauguration day, which supported women's suffrage and also picketed the White House for 18 months. Paul was put in jail for that and started a hunger strike. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Shanton supported the women's suffrage for fifty years later. Neither of them lived to see the 19th amendment ratified on August 26, 1920. The amendment was ratified under Wodrow Wilson as the President of the United States. Now with the 19th amendment, women have the right to own property, be employed, get an education, get a divorce, and get custody of children. They got all this with the right to vote. On August 26, 1995, It was the 75th anniversary of the 19th amendment. The women of the past showed the government that women weren't just meant for taking care of their husbands and children. In my opinion, what the women did in the past made the world a better place today for the women of the United States. 195 These are some of the important dates that happened during this period. Carrie Chapman Catt was the President of the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) for many years. In 1903, Mary Dreier, Rheta Childe, Leonora O'Reily formed the women's trade union league. In 1913, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns organized the Congressional Union. It was formally known as the NWP- National Women's Party in 1916. In 1914 the NFWC (National Federate Women's Club) had more than two million white and colored women involved. In 1916, Jeannette Rakin of Montana became the first woman to be taken into the United States House Of Representatives. There were seventy-five women who had major roles in women's suffrage. They were ver important and did a lot of hard work for the women's suffrage. Some of them were: Susan Brownell Anthony arrested for trying to vote Elizabeth Cady Shanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments Alice Stone Blackwell was the recording secretary Harriot Stanton Blatch founder of the Women's Political Union Amelia Bloomer publisher defending women and how they dressed in New York. Lucy Burns helped organized the Congressional Union Carrie Lane Chapman Catt became president in 1915 Lucretia Coffin Mott started the first women's rights convention with Stanton and her sister Martha Wright in New York Anna Howard Shaw was President from 1904 to 1915 Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a book about women independence. Alice Paul picketed the White House for women's suffrage 240 WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE By definition, women's suffrage is the right for women to vote. Women's suffrage started back as far as the 1600's. I am going to talk about the 1800's. Women's suffrage upset many women in the United States. Women were known to be in the home at all times. They were there to give care for the their husbands and children. Politicians feared women coming in the political race because they thought that women might vote them out of office. In the early 19th century, women were considered second class citizens. Often after marriage they weren't allowed to own property. It was also improper for women to speak in public alone. They were told to refrain from getting an education. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton set women's suffrage in 1848 at the Women's Right Convention in Seneca Falls, New York Falls Elizabeth Cady Stanton decided to make her own declaration called The Declaration of Sentiments by using the Declaration of Independence as her guidelines. RESOULTION 9 was the women had the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was arrested for attempting to vote for Ulysses S. Grant in the 1872 presidential elections. It wasn't just in the United States that women's suffrage was going on. It was going on all over the world. It was going on in Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Scandinavia, and Italy. In Canada, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan got the right to vote in 1916. Quebec didn't get the right to vote until 1940. In Mexico, women got the right to vote in1953. In Great Britain, all women got the right to vote in 1928. In Scandinavia, in Finland, they had the right to vote in1916. Before WWI women