Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kennedy's Forreign Policy (1961-63) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kennedy's Forreign Policy (1961-63) - Assignment Example Before his election success, President Kennedy was unaware of the planned invasion of Cuba. In fact, he criticized the role of Eisenhower administration for failing to offer support to the anti-Castro Cubans in their fight for freedom. However, the reverse was true; the Eisenhower government has planning and invasion into Cuba which Kennedy was briefed after the elections and opted to continue with the process. The argument posed was the effect of withdraw of America from the support of the anti-Castro revolt would demoralize Cubans and lead to serious challenge in the relationship between Cuba and the US. The American university speech was a speech issued by the American universities during the cold war period. The universities advised the then president John Kennedy not to plunge the nation into another war bearing in mind that the U.S had not yet fully recovered from the horrors of the Second World War. The Bay of Pigs invasion was a major unsuccessful military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the paramilitary group on April 1961. During the challenge, President Kennedy was involved in the action. However, the group was defeated within three days by forces controlled by the Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro. The president was new in office but consented to the plan of Cuban invasion. Initially, President Eisenhower was concerned with the direction taken by the Cuban prime minster and has indicated the need to stop Castro from ascending to power. The attack by the US involved 1400 paramilitaries divided into five infantry battalion. The Cuban battalion was headed by Josà © Ramà ³n Fernandez, but the brigade was taken over by Fidel Castrol. The invasion led to loss by America with the capture soldiers being interrogated and sends back to the US (Traynor, 2001, p. 279). In fact, the win strengthens the position of Castro’s administration and the claiming of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bible Essay Example for Free

Bible Essay There are many accounts in the Bible that state God as the creator. Genesis 1 and 2 are both creation stories but slightly differ in their accounts; Genesis 1 is a day by day account of all the things God created in not so much detail whereas Genesis 2 explains the creation story in a way that focuses more on the creation of man and woman than just the lands. Having two accounts of the creation story means that it is easier to come up with your own conclusion as to how the earth was created. The first line of Genesis 1 is â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator. Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them† This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day. The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image. â€Å"Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after. Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was made, Genesis 2 speaks a whole lot more about the creation of humans rather than the land. The most time that the creation of land is mentioned is at the beginning of Genesis 2. â€Å"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-â€Å" This is the first thing said in Genesis 2 and it is stating that God is the creator. It says that God created both the heavens and the earth; there is never any question or vagueness about God creating the heavens and the earth it is all very matter of fact. Although Genesis 2 doesn’t always speak of God ‘creating’ things it often personifies God in such a way that he is planting or making objects. â€Å"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-â€Å" This quote doesn’t say that God created the trees but made them grow from the ground, this is essentially saying that He created them as it was the first sighting of trees but is said in a different way as so not to force the ‘creation’ down your throat like Genesis 1 does. This is so that you can come to your own conclusion about which one is more plausible or correct but there is still no doubt as to god being the creator. Job 38 from the Book of Job is a story of how Satan and God have a disagreement where Satan was saying that Job only worships God because he is prosperous in his life, God then agrees to take away all his possessions and leave him with nothing to show Satan that Job would still worship him even if he was left with nothing. Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar try to comfort Job but they end up doing the opposite and tell Job that the reason for all his losses is because he has sinned and now God is making him suffer. In the end Job has had enough and questions God, this makes God angry and then Job has a better understanding and realises that he should have trusted God all along. God then returns all of Jobs health and possession in better amounts than they previously were. This story is God showing his power and his superiority to humans. â€Å"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? † This is God saying that he is mightier than any human and they do not compare to His power. This is also showing that God is omnipotent and that we know nothing compared to him. This is all enforcing that God is the creator and better than all the humans. â€Å"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it’s place,† This is saying that God has dominance over everything in the world, humans and nature. After Gods account of all his majestic works (such as the world and humans) and power, Job has to acknowledge God’s right as creator to do as he pleases and to not be questioned. Job is essentially the personification of all humans who do not believe god as the creator, Job doubted God and his ability so god became angry; this is supposedly what happens every time someone doubts God. Psalm 8 is a song about the lord God and his creation. â€Å"You have set your glory above the heavens† While this quote form the first verse isn’t directly linked to God being the creator it is saying that God has stated his glory in a way that so far in this psalm we do not know yet, we know that God has glory which could mean he has done something great. â€Å"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers† Now we start to work out what it is that causes God to have glory, â€Å"the work of your fingers† we are literally told that God has made the heavens with his ‘fingers’. This personification of God shows that people saw him as one of them but also appreciated his greater power, this could possibly relate to humans being made in God’s image. â€Å"you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings† This quote is, like Job 38, stating God’s dominance over the humans. God made humans a little lower than heavenly beings so that they knew their place and that they were lesser than himself ‘the creator’.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Value of an Education Essay -- Education School College

Value of an Education In today's society education is really important. Education has evolved a lot over time and has shaped American society. Back in the day, education was not as important because many jobs did not have educational requirements. In those days you could have a high school diploma and get a good job. Today, if you only have a high school diploma the types of jobs that you can get include fast food restaurants or maybe construction work. Getting your college degree is very essential to your economic success and your ability to get a good job that pays well. Prior to entering college in the fall, I felt that college would be very challenging for me because of what my friends that were already attending college told me. I feel that high school as a whole does not prepare you for work at the college level. Many people in high school study very little or they might not study at all and they can still maintain an A average. At the college level you can not study very little and expect to get the same results. If high school better prepared students for college there would be more college students making it to their sophomore years of college instead of dropping out. Another big difference between high school and college is the fact that there is so much freedom in college. In high school you are on such a tight leash that you are forced to do things that you aren't forced to do in college. For example, in high school, if you don't go to class, your parents will be notified. In college, you're on your own and you need to make the decision t o go class as scheduled. I think that this is one of the main reasons why students flunk out of college. Many students at the age of 18 and 19 see that most classes don't take ... very highly, so it is fitting that the University of Kentucky do the same. Values teach us that we can reach as high as we can, rather than cutting ourselves short. The University offers highest standards of achievement which enable students to realize their full potential. I believe that the University of Kentucky is a good school that supports every student to be the best they can be. " A school that operates with a set of values that ensures a common and consistent code of respectful and responsible behavior makes a significant difference. Students learn far better when they are a part of a school that consciously applies values education policies, behavior strategies and teaching programs that employs trained teachers who can discuss values issues in all areas of the curriculum." Lawley, Judy. Living Values. Values Education, 2003

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biology Essay

The basic reason why I chose Biology as my pre-med degree to pursue in college was because I believed that the subject promoted critical thinking. Critical thinking is basically an outcome of normal experiences and implemented to new ones. I believe that if I will be immersed to biology subjects as a preparatory degree for my medical studies, I will be able to utilize this critical thinking along with my talents to establish a good career after my college days are over. I believe that critical thinking is important in my life, therefore my pursuit of a Biology degree will improve me as my experiences and medical knowledge improves also. I am very firm in my belief that contrary to what other people say, Biology triggered a learning process in me which exposed my capabilities and skills in logical procedures, which eventually led me to an investigation to possess information that validated what I have found out or in a specific case. I believe that biology subjects therefore initiated within me the desire to implement my critical thinking capabilities in order to establish the appropriate way to do or the correct solution to a dilemma being faced. The second major reason why I took up Biology as my major in college was that I had always dreamed to become a doctor or a nurse someday. I believe that by pursuing a Biology degree in college, I will be able to use these knowledge in my future medical profession, involving either the doctor or the nursing job, and perhaps I may be able to use various procedures established on Biology courses particularly because of their priority on both gathering scientific information on the initiatives that they illustrate based on other results and evaluations that have been established by other individuals, therefore also emphasizing on the precision of the results. Yet, I know that Biology courses are holistic academic programs that include not only one subject but the entire field. As far as my extracurricular activities are concerned, beside my usual study during my high school days, I was also interested in activities like quiz contest, oratory contests, and many more. I have also volunteered as a member of Family Planning association of Nepal. Above all these, I was a member of Malangwa Junior Jaycess which served people in different aspects. As a member of this association I voluteered to provide relief to the flood victims during 1995 in Nepal When talking about taking my choices and options of majors as an incoming transferee to your prestigious college, however, my critical thinking skills I believe really fits with the Biology and Medical degree programs. In handling biological projects, for example, I will be expected to quickly choose for the appropriate manner that the projects will be accomplished, not to mention the various cases that have to be involved for the choices. The significance of accomplishment and the ethical queries must also be involved as well. And these skills can be provided to me by my Biology courses. As I mentioned a while ago, pursuing these subjects will give me a more knowledgeable position when talking about evaluating my future career as a doctor or a nurse, and at the same time I will be able to fulfill my ambition since childhood. Due to these circumstances, I know that I must always be careful about my life decisions, especially my academic decisions for my future. Nonetheless, there is no doubt in my mind that Biology will still be my major as I transfer to your prestigious college.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mcdonalds Case Study

McDonald’s case study For at least 30 years McDonald’s had the lead consumer base in the fast food market. They seemed to have the market monopolized, however in time it’s consumer base drifted away. It would appear that Mcdonalds had become comfortable in the position it was in and put little to no emphases on product variety or quality and simply focused on the speed and convinience as the customer draw. Mcdonalds was suffering from low growth and market base as well as decreasing profits. The factors which affected this low growth and lack of profit was not only its competitors but also public opinion of the quality and variety of the food not being up to the same standards of the competition such as Wendy’s or Burger king. Public opinion on Mcdonalds was that the food it sold was of poor quality with little to no variety and people would sacrifice the convinience and speed of their order for taste and variety. To solve this problem Mcdonalds needs to bring back the once reliable customers that it lost to the competition. This can be done a few different ways. – Introduce new aspects to the existing menu, maybe different choices for existing products, possible rebrand and remarket some of these products with a possible price break. – Possibly improve the flavour of its beef as to improve the taste in all its burgers. -Introduce new items on the menu similar to products of the competition ie. Burger King and Wendy’s. – New slogan, new product apperance on the cups and containers. This is to represent the â€Å"new† Mcdonalds. The previous list of ideas can be implemented the easiest by a complete marketing blitz of the new product line and image for the company. The size of the company allows it to have the resources to do this type of campaign with very little financial risk, basically the company has nothing to loose but more customers. Mcdonalds Case Study McDonald’s case study For at least 30 years McDonald’s had the lead consumer base in the fast food market. They seemed to have the market monopolized, however in time it’s consumer base drifted away. It would appear that Mcdonalds had become comfortable in the position it was in and put little to no emphases on product variety or quality and simply focused on the speed and convinience as the customer draw. Mcdonalds was suffering from low growth and market base as well as decreasing profits. The factors which affected this low growth and lack of profit was not only its competitors but also public opinion of the quality and variety of the food not being up to the same standards of the competition such as Wendy’s or Burger king. Public opinion on Mcdonalds was that the food it sold was of poor quality with little to no variety and people would sacrifice the convinience and speed of their order for taste and variety. To solve this problem Mcdonalds needs to bring back the once reliable customers that it lost to the competition. This can be done a few different ways. – Introduce new aspects to the existing menu, maybe different choices for existing products, possible rebrand and remarket some of these products with a possible price break. – Possibly improve the flavour of its beef as to improve the taste in all its burgers. -Introduce new items on the menu similar to products of the competition ie. Burger King and Wendy’s. – New slogan, new product apperance on the cups and containers. This is to represent the â€Å"new† Mcdonalds. The previous list of ideas can be implemented the easiest by a complete marketing blitz of the new product line and image for the company. The size of the company allows it to have the resources to do this type of campaign with very little financial risk, basically the company has nothing to loose but more customers.